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DIY custom maps for print & reference
TL;DR – it is possible to make custom print quality maps, in some cases very quickly (though your first try may not be quick!). That being said it is also possible to waste a lot of time and money making less usable or useless maps. The following is an attempt at quickly “getting started” for technically savvy but otherwise novice users.
Try at your own risk, for what its worth I probably added more detail than strictly needed, I’m not 100% sure how approachable this guide will be but its offered in good faith, your mileage may vary! Once you have this down its really only 4 [main] steps that can be done in less than half an hour unless you want to do something fancier.But first, what I’ll be showing:
Above, a small “zoomed in” section of the final map as exported to a digital PDF file (the “misaligned” building/parcels are a data issue, not a software issue and acceptable for my purposes)
Roughly the same area on the printed poster for quality comparison ordered via Vistaprint (image darkness more a factor of my poor photography skills). Keep in mind this is less than a 5 inch wide segment zoomed in (it’s smaller than my iPhone 13 mini). The text quality is mildly disappointing compared to the original but otherwise this is actually pretty good quality IMHO, showing the ‘warts’ on purpose to be transparent.Above, a zoomed out view of a 36″x48″ poster sized map with the top/bottom cropped to hide my poor poster mounting skills (Again, I should have changed my photo settings, but photography is not the point of this post).To create your own version, in 5-7 somewhat “easy-ish” steps:
QGIS is an open source Geographic Information System (GIS) application. While this application is capable of a wide variety of tasks, one task it is suited for is the creation of maps for printing. This tutorial is a “simple” crash course in creating a custom map suitable for printing on either a home printer or a commercial service such as a Fedex-Kinkos or Vistaprint poster.
Note: Steps 4 & 5 are strictly optional, OpenStreetMap is often pretty good. Many sub-bullet points are FYI, assuming you leave default settings alone or don’t move/close something by accident this can go pretty fast.
Step 1: Download the application.
QGIS is available for most major operating systems, most users should be able to make use of an easy to use installer though advanced users may want to consider specialty options. Note that as an open source application this software is community driven and supported, including documentation and online help. The user interface may include subtle changes between versions which may result in slightly different workflows. This guide was written for version 3.20.3 on windows but should be broadly compatible with recent versions (users have the option to download older versions at their discretion).
Step 2: Open the application and add OpenStreetMap background layer
Open the application and navigate to the File Menu, select “New”] Make sure that the “Browser” and “Layers Panel” panels are visible If needed these can be added by going to the “View” menu, select “Panels” and make sure “Layers Panel” and “Browser Panel” have checks next to them Note that the panel layout/position can vary and that some panels can have tabs. Panels can be reorganized by clicking and dragging them as desired.Above, an example of “tabbed” panels in case one is not immediately visible
On the “Browser” panel, locate and expand the “XYZ Tiles” option, OpenStreetMap should be a preloaded option available. Double click this option to add it to the map. This should load a streaming map service (requires active internet connection) as a background reference layerStep 3: Navigate to an area of interest
QGIS includes a number of navigation tools such as pan and zoom, these should be displayed by default but if absent can be added by going to the “View” menu, selecting “Toolbars” and then making sure that “Map Navigation Toolbar” is selected Use the pan and zoom buttons to find an area of interest (Pan = first icon, click and drag with mouse, zoom controls are icons 3-10) If your mouse has a “middle mouse button” (oftentimes the “button” is your scroll wheel) you can “pan” while clicking and holding the middle mouse button. You can also scroll with the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Equivalent trackpad gestures should also work. As you zoom in the streaming Open Street Map reference layer will add more details. Other data sources can be loaded however this is a useful “first step” in many cases.Above, global scale of OpenStreetMap Layer
Above, zoomed in to the same layer with more detail automatically displayed.
Step 4: Add more data (optional)
Note: Steps 4 and 5 aren’t strictly needed if you’re happy with the OpenStreetMap details. Much more data exists for free and you are largely limited only by your time and patience. Feel free to skip to 6.
The benefit of using a curated service, such as OpenStreetMap is that most of the design and display options are preconfigured and are often “good enough.” OpenStreetMap data can be incomplete, out of date, or otherwise inaccurate based on community support for your area of interest. Adding third party data and properly designing and labeling custom data can be very involved as many customizations are possible. These customizations are beyond the scope of this introduction however a partial example is provided to demonstrate basic functionality.
Locate a third party GIS dataset (shapefile format preferred) from any appropriate source such as an internet data portal. Examples of data portals can include: – ESRI is a commercial GIS company that provides a variety of hosted datasets, many (but not all) will be compatible with QGIS Many federal, state, and local governments will have similar data portals, a google search for “shapefile open data download” and then key words related to your geographic or thematic area of interest is likely to return useful results, for example multiple data portals hosted by the state of Virginia can be found here: (includes non GIS data too) (more specific to GIS data, note the “” domain, many organizations make use of this software to host their data) When searching for data, each website/source may provide a different user interface, the following points are worth keeping in mind Different file formats of GIS data exist, the most basic/universal is called a “Shapefile” and will almost always be compatible with QGIS “Shapefiles” are usually bundled as anywhere from 1 to 8 different files that all share the same name but have different file extensions. The file with a “.shp” extension is technically the “shapefile” file, however if you do not also receive a file with the “.prj” extension (projection information), the data will be virtually useless without a fair amount of extra work. Generally speaking try to avoid changing the names of shapefile and their bundled support files and store them all in the same relative directory. When downloading data you may (but not always) have the option to select the file format, for this tutorial a “shapefile” format is preferred. Most GIS data exists as either point, line, or polygon vector data, when selecting a dataset look for the type and detail you are most interested in. For example, “building locations” can often be stored as either point locations or polygon files. Roads and streams are often provided as line files, but can be provided as polygons as well.Above, an example of download options including Shapefiles, highlighted.
Once a suitable file has been located, download it, extract it if needed (shapefile collections are often provided as zipped collections) and store it at a known location on your computer. Extract the 5 files supporting the shapefile to a known location (note, GIS files can get large), such as “D:\Data\GIS\Tutorial” (your location will vary…)Above, an example of a group of related files, commonly stored in the same place but referred to as if it were a single “Shapefile”
In QGIS, select the “Layer” Menu, then click “Data Source Manager” next make sure “Vector” data is selected, the “Source Type” will be “File” and you will want to navigate to the location where your data is stored. You will see all of the support files for any given Shapefile, select the file with the “.shp” extension and click “Add” Note, large files or slow computers may take a minute Assuming you have all of the bundled support files, most importantly the “.prj” file, you should be able to safely ignore the “options” that are provided After adding the data, click “Close” on the “Data Source Manager” (or simply move it out of the way) and locate the “Layers” Panel, your new layer should be added. If you do not see the layer in the main map window make sure the checkbox to the left of the layer is selected. You can also turn off other layers or click and drag to reorder the layers. You can right click on a layer and select “Zoom to Layer” to zoom to the extent of the layer. When a layer contains very small features spread out over very large areas it may be difficult to see the features, try turning off other layers and panning/zooming as needed.Above, an example of a state wide polygon file using default display settings.
Step 5: Simple Symbology of custom data (optional)
When adding third party or custom data you will likely want to change how the data is displayed. QGIS has many options for this however this guide will only cover a very simple use case. Data symbology can involve many factors including design and aesthetic preferences so it is difficult to provide “one size fits all” guidance.
Return to, or find an area of interest In the “Layers Panel” click-drag the relevant layer(s) to a suitable order. Typically Basemap layers (like OpenStreetMap) should be on the bottom Usually “point” data should be on top of “line” data, and line data in turn on top of “polygon” data, however exceptions can occur. For any given shapefile layer, right click on the layer and click “properties” With the “Symbology” tab selected on the left, you have a number of options and presets for how the selected layer can be displayed. “Simple Fill” should be a default setting, if not available, remove any other options using the red “minus” button and add a “simple fill” using the green plus button, if needed. Click on the shaded color for “Fill Color” and drag the “Opacity” slider to be transparent (0%) Change the “Stroke” color, width, and style to your preferences (for example a light thin gray line) and hit “OK” Repeat Step(s) 3,4, & 5 as needed based on the data you’d like to show and how you would like it to be displayed.Step 6: Preparing a Print Layout
Once data is added to a map, an area of interest is visible, and relevant data has been symbolized the result can be put into a print layout for export such as a PDF file. Many options exist however PDF files are fairly common and support a number of useful print options.
From the “Project” menu select “New Print Layout” and provide a meaningful name if many layouts are expected. A new window will open, leaving the old window accessible as well. From the new Layout Window, right click on the blank canvass (the white square that represents the printable area) and click page properties. In the “Item Properties” panel, under page size select the size map for printing you are interested in. A “custom” size is available “Custom” size unlocks the Width and Height options and a number of units such as mm or inches are supported For example vendors like Vistaprint and Fedex-Kinkos allow for poster prints up to 36”x48” Printing and print proofing is its own sub-discipline, that often includes factors such as the printable area, printing resolution of the printer, paper quality and size as well as other factors. Defaults will be used to the extent possible. From the “Add Item” menu bar, select “Add Map” and then click and drag the approximate size and location of the map you wish to print on the canvass layout Depending on the amount of data and internet connection rendering the map on the canvass may take a moment Once added the map can be resized, and limited repositioning of the map position within the canvass is possible using the “Move Item Content” toolbar tool and click-dragging or mouse-wheel zooming Be sure to revert to the “Pan Layout” toolbar tool once the map content is positioned correctly. Using the wrong tool for switching between the map position and the layout tool can be frustrating so it is usually best to handle with care. Most printers can not fully print to the edge of a piece of paper so it is advised to leave a small border of “white space” For more exact control of the map item’s placement on the printable canvass, right click on the map area (make sure the “Select/Move item” toolbar tool is selected!) and click item properties. Under “Position and Size” you can enter in finer details about your placement. A bit of math is required relative to your printable area. For a 36”x48” canvass the following is suggested (make sure to use the upper left “Reference point” if using these numbers (in inches): “X” = 0.5 “Y” = 1.5 “Width” = 35 “Height” = 44 Traditionally Maps have Titles, credit data sources and other design elements. These can be added from the “Add Item” Menu, for example: From “Add Item” select “Add Label” and draw a label at the top of the page for a title Right clicking a map item and selecting “Item Properties” will expose relevant options such as a text box to add custom text (usually filled with “Lorem ipsum” by default) and options for changing font, font size, font color, etc. From “Add Item” select “Add Label” and draw a label at the bottom right of the page for data credit details Data is often subject to copyright and terms of use. This is especially relevant for any map you might share in a public setting (such as a tutorial!) however public domain data and personal use exemption are quite common for open data sources. OpenStreetMap has a generous but specific copyright and requests language to the effect of “© OpenStreetMap contributors (” should be added In this example Virginia Department Of Transportation is listed as the author of the parcel data used and has a custom license that does not specifically claim copyright but rather a disclaimer that amounts to “use at your own risk” As a rule of thumb most data provided by governments will either be public domain or have generous terms of use, though aggregating quality data does take time and money it’s often provided as a public good (your taxes at work!). Exceptions do apply, for example it is technically possible (though probably illegal) to stream Google Maps imagery tiles into QGIS. Just because data is accessible doesn’t mean it should be accessed. Adding a scale bar is recommended for printed maps. Export PDF for printing From the “Layout” menu bar, click “Print…” and note the warning about streaming services, however this option appeared to produce a usable PDF file while testing.Step 7: Printing large format maps
If you select a normal 8.5”x11” canvass and have a home printer you should be able to print following your normal printer procedures. PDF files can usually be opened by web browsers or free software. In fact starting with smaller maps on a home printer is advised to get a sense of print-related issues prior to spending more on larger formats.
Large Format maps can be obtained from retail printing services that produce poster style products. For example both VistaPrint and Fedex-Kinkos have online tools. Some print vendors may have additional options that allow for oversize prints that are non standard.
As previously alluded to, printing and print proofing is a sort of subdiscipline of its own. VistaPrint provides a “Digital Proof” that attempts to be more representative of actual print quality but you should be aware that a print vendor will simply print the file they are provided. If you provide a file that is low resolution and highly pixelated, to the point of being unusable, you will probably not get a refund. There are steps you can take to mitigate this, for example PDF files can support vector based graphics and text meaning that the hypothetical upper limit of the print quality should be dependent only on the hardware rather than the data file but determining how to most effectively make use of these features is beyond the scope of this guide. As demonstrated the PDF export and resulting print may not always be 1:1 perfectly representative.
All this is to say: be careful, you might spend $60 on a map that looks good as a PDF but prints terribly based on a setting during export.
That being said, this is something I’ve been wanting to do for myself for ages and since I finally found a good/easy enough way to do it, I thought I’d share here.there is a lot of online help available, I may be able to answer a few questions if something I wrote above is unclear but keep in mind I don’t necessarily check here daily.
If you do try this and find it useful, I’d be mildly curious about what other use cases are out there. If someone has a good idea I might be inspired to do a follow up (no promises though!).
Read MoreSurvival playing cards
I went looking for these thinking there would be many good options. I wanted something inexpensive that contained some useful survival/first aid information on the faces. Everything I found was either very expensive and/or had terrible reviews. Does anyone know of a good option that I haven’t found?
I did come across multiple printer shops that would print playing cards for you. If I could find free/open sourced/non-copyrighted survival tips and diagrams then doing it myself could be an option.
Read MoreFiction book review: Blue Fire by John Gilstrap
Blue Fire by John Gilstrap. Published March 2022 from Kensington Books.
TL;DR: A well-written, apolitical post-apoc page turner that emphasizes group dynamics more than gear or gun play. I would recommend borrowing from the library over buying. The first book in the series is available on Kindle Unlimited.
Blue Fire, the second book in John Gilstrap’s Victoria Emerson series, begins with a gun fight. Yet unlike most post-apocalyptic thrillers, the fight is not the result of a prison escape or government totalitarianism but rather a failed negotiation. And the aftermath of the brief fight features less blood and guts and more politics. As such, it sets the tone for much of what is to follow.
The Victoria Emerson series begins in Crimson Phoenix. In the opening of that book, Victoria Emerson, a Congresswoman from West Virginia, and two of her sons are awoken by a pair of soldiers tasked with escorting them from Washington, DC to a secret government bunker in preparation for an American-supported strike by Israel on Iran. When she discovers that the bunker will not accommodate her children, she refuses to enter and leaves with her reluctant military escort. The Middle East tensions trigger a wider global conflagration, including nuclear attacks on the United States, which Victoria and company weather in western Virginia. Various adventures ensue.
Blue Fire begins where Crimson Phoenix leaves off, with Victoria and her party helping lead the small town of Ortho as it weathers the challenges of life without power, external resources, or the rule of law. Secondary story lines follow her oldest son, who was away at boarding school at the time of the attack, and the members of Congress in a government bunker, including the former Speaker of the House, now reluctantly turned President.
The books deviate pleasantly from much of prepper fiction, which tends to focus on the survival of individuals and small groups. Typical stories stress individualism and are rife with male, ex-military leads with either heroic powers or startlingly good luck. Blue Fire and its prequel cast all of that aside. At its heart are two contrasting efforts to create order: one by Victoria and her allies in Ortho and another by a National Guard leader who has devolved into a de facto warlord. The characters in the book who are in the most danger are actually those who are most isolated – Victoria’s eldest son Adam and his girlfriend.
All the characters in Blue Fire read like fairly normal people. Even the military members are quite ordinary. The lead officer, Major McCrea, is most needed for his planning and organizational skills. Sergeant Copley is valued as much for his carpentry hobby as his military training. Neither are superhuman fighters. Victoria herself is both skilled and flawed: she is smart, forceful, and driven to get things done, but even her own sons are unsure if she remains in Ortho because she really wants to help or because she cannot give up her love of being in authority.
The books also get points for being very intentionally apolitical. No political parties are ever referenced by name; there is only the majority and the opposition. While the Senators and Representatives described in the book are given home districts, they are always districts that could plausibly be blue or red. No clearly Democratic or Republican political position is ever ascribed to a character. The effect is a sharp departure from the partisan politics often found in prepper fiction. Instead, there is a clear message that the real cause of ineffective government is a thoughtless focus on holding power, posturing, and scoring cheap points. I am sure that many readers will agree.
Lastly, I appreciated the books’ focus on people and skills more than gear. Far too many prepper novels focus incessantly on the names of specific guns, knives, backpacks, and boots. The worst sound like the author is regurgitating parts of a gear catalogue. There is almost none of that here. Gilstrap clearly knows enough about firearms and outdoorsmanship to describe shooting, hiking, and camping accurately. But he also knows that it does not matter much where you bought your equipment, as long as you know how to use it.
In short, Blue Fire (and Crimson Phoenix) will be appealing to a wide audience, including many people who find typical prepper fiction off-putting. But what does the book teach about prepping? My objection to books like A. American’s Going Home is not just that the incessant gear descriptions make for tedious reading. It is that the book sends the message that slogging hundreds of miles with a 50+ pound backpack loaded down with three different cooking systems is the best way to ride out the apocalypse. Other books contain may similarly miseducate the reader, by implying that you cannot survive danger without a rural farm, prior service as an Army Ranger, or a stockpile of silver coins.
On the one hand, Blue Fire’s description of the disaster that befalls America is both vague and a bit unrealistic. Nuclear war is a possibility, and maybe one that feels more salient given the current tensions with Russia. However, Gilstrap, as he explains in an author’s note at the end of Crimson Phoenix, has put aside much of the science about the effects of a nuclear exchange in order to facilitate his storytelling. In particular, the characters do surprisingly little to deal with or avoid nuclear fallout. The story is also told from the points of view of characters with limited information, sparing the author the task of detailing exactly what happened. In short, this book (and its prequel) will not provide edutainment on nuclear disasters.
Where the book really shines is in its emphasis on community and human relations. While other books may prompt the reader to ask, ‘Where will I go in a disaster?’ this one prompts the reader to ask, ‘Who will I know when I get there?’ Or while a typical story may lead you to think, ‘Do I have supplies for my family?’ this one may prompt you to reflect on what you will do with families that do not have supplies. Ultimately, survival is not just a solo activity but a community one. The book gives few readymade answers on how communities can prepare, but it nudges the reader’s thinking in a useful direction.
Read MoreEuropean energy prices going through the roof
Gas price rockets leaving billpayers facing £5,000 price capThe price of gas has gone through the roof to record levels today as the West prepares to boycott Russia’s fossil fuels, which raises $1billion-a-day for Vladimir Putin’s war chest.
With global markets in turmoil, UK wholesale gas hit 800 pence per therm today – up from 39p a year ago – amid claims that the monthly price cap planned for October 1 could have to be raised to £5,000-a-year.
To clarify before the Covid Pandemic and the Ukranian conflict the average Brit was paying £1250 ($1645) a year of electricity and gas. A month or so ago that rose to over £1900 ($ 2500) a year, and is definately going to hit £3000 ($ 3900) a year at the end of October 22. The way these issues are affecting energy prices it is now forecast to rise to between £4000 and £5000 ( $ 5260 – $ 6500) a year up from £1250.
Millions are going to have a choice soon, HEAT or EAT but not both.
I cannot possibly emphasize enough that if you can go OFF GRID on heat and Light, even partially (like getting a wood stove) you REALLY should.
Read MoreSupply line news – Impacts of pandemic, war, inflation, and whatever comes next
A thread for news about possible and observed supply impacts of pandemic, war, inflation, and whatever comes next. I’m US-based so please chime in with reports from other regions.
Grain. Although the US doesn’t import much grain, we do bring in about 100 million tons a year, and we are big exporters. That means we are exposed to the world grain price. RU and Ukraine (UA) export about 12% of global calories traded. About 30% of wheat, 20% of corn and 80% of sunflower oil. voted to ban exports and RU sanctions will have a big effect.
Chips. (not potato) In addition to the existing supply bottlenecks and huge demand for microchips, it turns out Ukraine produces 50% of the neon in the world and has shut down both factories. So what? Neon is vital to the lasers that make microchip production possible. I have a PV charger on backorder—ostensibly due to the already existing chip shortages.
Fertilizer. In addition to food price increase, RU is a huge exporter of fertiliser and banned export of N back in February and banned other exports thursday. Prices of N increased 22% and K went up 34% on friday alone. Not to put too fine a point on this, but fertilizer is the thing the Green Revolution was made of and what reset the timer on Ehrlich’s Population Bomb. So in addition to basic staples like grains, those of us who can grow some food should think about our fertiliser needs for the near term… and pesticides as well.
Lumber. Really building materials in general. Lumber price is nearly as high as it was at the height of the shutdowns. But in my experience going to the big box every week, the racks of about everything are better supplied now. If you can possibly put off a lumber purchase I think you will be able to save some money. But that’s just a guess and as I’m remodeling an old house, I can’t really postpone, so there is that.
Nickel, Copper, etc. Maybe getting into the weeds here but copper set an all-time high price this month and nickel was up 30%. China uses around half the supply and is driving consumption—because they make electronics for the rest of the world. I personally feel that the reason putin is going into UA now is that they past their peak in oil production on 2019, that is according to the RU oil ministry last year. So he’s gotta get to putting the USSR back together quick while he can. Having said all that, high oil price is going to drive up the price of lots of metals because they are needed for BEVs and renewable energy. Energy Skeptic talks about these things a lot, she has an article up now talking about the huge amount of raw materials needed to transition away from fossils.
We live in a complicated and interconnected world where everything comes from somewhere else. Stuff is unfolding surprisingly fast at the moment, normality bias makes my cognition slow to respond. Most of the time there is enough slack, at least in my rich world, just in time supply line, that critical shortages don’t appear. But to me prepping is primarily about keeping ahead of whatever supply glitches and shortages.
What do you see coming down the pike?
Read MoreC. Crane Skywave and Skywave SSB out of stock – What is the best alternative?
I currently have a poor quality and ancient emergency hand crank radio and was looking to upgrade this aspect of my preps.
After reading the Best Emergency Radio Guide, I decided to purchase a C. Crane Skywave or C. Crane Skywave SSB emergency radio. I was disappointed to find, although I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, that the C. Crane Skywave and C. Crane Skywave SSB are both out of stock with a potential ship date that is several months out at best.
Given what is going on in the world right now, I’m not sure I feel comfortable waiting a few months (or more, knowing the current state of the supply chain) to upgrade my emergency radio.
The main reason I am looking to upgrade is because of the Russia / Ukraine situation and the increasing tension between Russia and the US / NATO countries. While I think it’s still relatively unlikely, I believe the possibility of a nuclear exchange between the US and Russia is becoming enough of a possibility where I want to be prepared for the situation if it were to occur. I believe part of that is having a really good radio on hand to be aware of potential incoming threats and to get information in the aftermath of a potential attack. Besides that scenario, it will be helpful in many other emergency scenarios.
I am hoping somebody could share some advice as to what emergency radio (C. Crane brand or other) would be best to have on hand in the above scenario, excluding the Skywave and Skywave SSB which is currently out of stock? C. Crane seems to have a number of different makes / models – so many so it’s a bit overwhelming.
Read MoreInteresting article from 2020 about US Homesteaders
Homesteaders, catastrophists run for the hills to flee U.S. uncertaintyBy Reuters
Published: 10:01, 27 January 2020
By Carey. L. Biron
WASHINGTON, Jan 27 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Cheap housing, deep unease and intense resilience – all forces that are driving a clutch of Americans to swap city life for a fresh start off grid and far from civilisation.
Some are survivalists, among them high fliers who fear a looming, urban catastrophe and the mayhem that might follow.
Others want a greener, gentler life untainted by the malign forces of capitalism and uncertainty of mainstream politics.
Whichever camp, realtors say the new dropouts are not “crackpots” and often include affluent professionals whose run for the hills has boosted rural land values and started to change their property market. “I’ve had hedge-fund managers and billionaires that have made purchases, and they all have concerns about the direction of the economy and social stability,” said John E. Haynes, president of Retreat Realty in North Carolina.
“We’re on that upward trend,” he said. “Inventory of that land on the market is tighter.”
Haynes has worked in real estate for decades.
About four years ago, he rebranded his company to pitch property to a new and growing breed of buyer – those motivated by “concerns about social stability”.
He had a record year in 2019, and was busy in the run-up to the 2016 election, when Donald Trump came to power.
“I’m sensing that again,” he said. “People get uncertain, and they start making decisions on the political environment and what they anticipate.
“So I think 2020 will be a good year for my business.”
Bruce – who values his privacy so would not let his full name be used – is buying 20 acres in remote North Carolina, where trees will become fuel and water springs from the land.
He has lived most of his life in cities, New York included.
But now the plan is to escape the urban jungle – a place of traffic, noise, poverty, crime and much else Bruce dislikes.
“It reached the point where we were tired of being on the defensive,” Bruce, in his mid-50s, said of city life and the hazardous technical setup on which it relies.
“Amazon can deliver groceries in two hours, but will the grocery store have food three days after a large disaster?” he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation, noting the cataclysmic potential of a major disruption in electrical generation.
“Our hope is nothing like this happens,” he said.
“But should it, we’ll be better prepared to survive in a rural setting, where more food is grown locally, where we have land on which to raise food or livestock, or hunt.”
Often called survivalists or “preppers”, many escapees twin an expectation of impending doom – or outright social collapse – with a deep disbelief in the government’s ability to cope.
Buying land – or “bugout” property, derived from military slang for a retreat – is a priority, with real estate networks compiling national lists of “prepper lands”.
Most survivalist land purchases are in the mountains of the U.S. northwest, primarily Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.
In 2011, a blogger and former U.S. Army intelligence officer named James Wesley, Rawles – he includes the comma in his name – wrote a widely circulated post urging “freedom-loving Christians” to move to the region as a safe haven.
He dubbed the area the American Redoubt and urged followers to “buy land that will maximise your self-sufficiency.”
It is unclear how many heeded his call, but the Economist magazine estimated they numbered in the “thousands of families”.
Idaho in particular recorded a big influx.
The state had one of the top U.S. growth rates in 2015-16, driven in part by escapees from California and neighbouring Washington state, according to Boise State assistant professor Jeffrey Lyons.
Disaffected Californians make up a substantial number of clients for Black Rifle Real Estate, which says online that it helps people “Flee the City to the freedom and safety of Rural America and the famed American Redoubt.”
Broker Todd Savage said his business is at an all-time high, driven by frustration with how many U.S. cities are governed.
“Most of our clients are now looking to sell their postage-stamp size properties … and make what we call a ‘Strategic Relocation’ to a free state,” Savage said in an email.
Driven by new demand, the company is expanding outside of the so-called Redoubt – to Arizona, which Savage said enjoys lower taxes and far looser gun controls than liberal California.
“Arizona is the new Idaho for many seeking relief from the tyranny in California,” he said.
Conservatives are not alone in the new land rush.
Haynes said his clients in North Carolina are evenly split between survivalists and “homesteaders” – young, liberal, less affluent families seeking peace, quiet and a sustainable life.
“When I started out in 1973, the big thing then was the ‘back to the land’ movement,” said Neil Shelton with the Ozark Land Company, a developer active in Missouri and Arkansas.
What he is seeing now is a “new iteration” of that movement,” he said, and one driven by innovation: the pre-built ‘tiny home’, typically 400-600 square feet.
Small structures have made home ownership more affordable, he said, for some accelerating the new mood of escapism.
“This tiny-house movement is the biggest thing I’ve seen since” the 1970s, Shelton said.
Kim Moore, 63, said she and her husband had bought nearly 60 acres in North Carolina after enjoying a holiday there.
“I’m not a survivalist, but as much as possible, I’d like to live on the land,” she said.
Moore and her husband plan to build a series of small homes and create a “co-housing” community of family, friends and others with similar values.
“I want it to be sustainable, something that isn’t going to ruin the land, and something that’s big enough that all of my friends can join in,” she said.
“It’s something that feeds my soul.”
Read MoreArticle, couple who built self-sufficient home out of clay and straw
Couple who built self-sufficient home out of CLAY and straw, and now live off the grid with their two kids, reveal they haven’t had to pay bills in over a DECADE – saving them $70K A YEAR
Misty Murph’Ariens, 36, and her husband Bryce 46, met as chefs in Hamilton, Ontario and loved visiting his grandmother’s rural cottageIn 2009, they bought a piece of farmland for $37,500 and spent $10,000 building a house out of clay, sand, and strawThey get food from farm animals and their garden, electricity from solar panels, and water from a well on the propertyThey earn some money from a small local catering business but get around by cycling, walking, or on horseback because they have no carMisty homeschools their five- and seven-year-old daughters.
A family that lives in an impressive off-grid self-built ‘clay’ home have paid no bills for over a decade — saving them $70,000 a year.
Misty Murph’Ariens, 36, and her husband Bryce 46, have become homesteaders — self sufficiency experts — since moving into a remote Canadian forest 15 years ago.
Now with their seven-year-old daughter Sage and five-year-old daughter Aurora, the Murph’Ariens is almost entirely self-sufficient, getting their food from a vegetable farm and a collection of animals, their electricity from solar panels, and their water from a well.
The couple met while working as chefs in Hamilton, Ontario but quickly realized they weren’t suited to living in the big city.
‘From the moment we met we instantly knew we wanted to live an alternative lifestyle,’ Misty said.
They went for a visit to Bryce’s grandmother’s cob cottage in rural Durham for 54 weekends in a row, falling in love with the far-out location.
‘Bryce’s grandmother’s cottage was so peaceful and we were constantly disappointed when we had to leave and go back to the city,’ Misty said.
In 2006, they moved there permanently and immediately saw a change in their wellbeing.
‘I’ve always suffered with intense migraines but when we moved to the countryside they started to become less and less frequent,’ Misty said.
‘Six-months after moving they’d stopped completely, and I’m convinced it was the noise and the city environment which had been the cause of my discomfort.
‘Rural living immediately made sense to us, and the idea of being completely self sufficient was really appealing.’
They spent three years learning how to lead the homestead lifestyle before going out on their own and buying a piece of farmland in the local area for $37,500 in 2009.
It was covered in trash and abandoned materials, which they spent weeks clearing. They then spent four months building a cob house — a natural material made of clay, sand, and straw — for just $10,000.
Every summer since the move, they have expanded and improved their home.
Their daughters are homeschooled by Misty and taught a traditional syllabus with the addition of key primal skills, animal care, and building techniques.
To earn money, Misty and Bryce run a small catering business in the local community, but with no car, they get around by cycling, walking, or traveling on horseback.
Bryce claims the reason their family is financially stable despite their lack of consistent income is their low cost, self-sufficient lifestyle.
‘We’ve worked out over the years that our annual living costs amount to approximately $15,000 — and that’s with raising two kids,’ he said.
‘We try to be as self sufficient as possible, farming and harvesting all the food we eat.
‘We do get the occasional shopping delivery to the nearest road, but that’s only for a very select range of essential items,’ he said.
Most of their food comes from their own cows, chickens, and ducks, as well as a vegetable patch.
The garden grows all the traditional orchard fruits and produces a variety of nuts and vegetables, which they harvest on a weekly basis.
They cook their meals on a wooden stove, use solar panels for electricity, and collect water from a well.
The pair estimate that their lives cost just $15,000 a year to fund — a whopping $70,000 CAD less than the average four person household in their province.
‘I think the difference with our lifestyle is not so much what we do, but why we do it,’ Bryce said.
‘Of course we do have to acquire money, but the focus of our day is finding the most sustainable and fulfilling way to live.
‘Whereas most people are spending the majority of their time working to afford the necessities of life, we spend our time working to acquire these necessities directly.
‘Granted, it’s not a life for everyone, but it works for us and, as a family, we’ve never been happier.’
Read MoreHospital go bag
When both parents started going into the hospital a couple of times in rapid succession, we put together Hospital Go Bags with items needed for comfort, privacy, and entertainment. The document package stayed in our cars as well. We did use the bags thereafter.
Hospital Go Bag
Leave personal medications and tobacco products at home. Clean out wallet of credit cards and large amounts of cash. Leave jewelry at home. Hospital has no responsibility for stolen valuables. Policies may govern if you can have electronic devices. If you’re uncertain whether to bring a valuable, ask yourself if you’re willing to lose it. If not, keep it at home. With a small amount of money you can buy newspapers, etc.
If something goes wrong with a day surgery, you may be admitted to the hospital for a time. It’s best to plan for that contingency.
Inventory of the bag contents. Date when last inventoried.
Gov’t issued photo ID and insurance card
List of emergency contacts (phone numbers, hard copy), including primary physician, ride home, clergy
Healthcare documents such as personal health history (with allergies, conditions, medications [name, dose, administration times], doctors, immunizations, history of major illness and surgeries), dietary restrictions, Advance Health Care Directive (meds and procedures you either will accept or not accept), Power of Attorney for Healthcare, General limited or durable Power of Attorney, Living Will, optional Do Not Resuscitate (Allow Natural Death) order. Recent reports, x-rays. Bring documents in a single bag or envelop.
Crutches, walker, cane, other assistive devices for use after surgery.
Mobile phone and wall charger, extension cord. Hospitals may have a policy if electronic equipment interferes with patient monitoring equipment. Check before going if possible.
Dental hygiene items (brush, paste, floss)
Personal hygiene items: nail clippers, comb/brush, shampoo, conditioner, skin lotion, deodorant, lip balm, shower shoes (flip flops). Shaving kit. Feminine hygiene products.
Special needs products such as denture cream.
Eyecare (contact lens kit, glasses, cleaning cloth). Glasses may be easier to deal with than contacts.
Eye mask, ear plugs. Contrary to what you believe, you are not in the hospital to get rest. Staff may awaken you at such hours that it is difficult to sleep. Be prepared to complain. They can do better.
Full change of clothes, a couple of changes of underwear
Light robe? Non-slip slippers
Entertainment of some kind, cards, puzzle books, book/magazine to read, religious book
Notebook, pen. Note details of any incident, any verbal instructions that are not documented. Journal?
Photos of family, friends.
For kids, favorite (stuffed?) toy
Any other staff-recommended items for a planned hospital admission.
Read MoreArticle, Not exactly gloating, stockpiling ‘preppers’ have a moment
TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) – Curt La Haise has put up with plenty of razzing from friends over the years who have called him paranoid for stockpiling an eight-month supply of food in his basement and having enough fuel to power his generator for almost an entire winter.
They’re not laughing anymore amid panic buying that has cleared store shelves across the U.S. and growing fears that the new coronavirus will force many Americans to self-quarantine for weeks in their homes.
“Now my friends are like, `What should I do, what should I get?´” said La Haise, who operates a firearms and safety training business near Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. “Prepping doesn´t look so bad now.”
For those in the often-mocked “prepper” community, this is quickly becoming their “I told you so” moment. But many are resisting saying that, even if it’s in the back of their minds. What they hope is that they’ll finally be taken seriously and that more people will follow their lead.
“We’re not laughing. We’re not saying,`I told you so,’ when people are out there fighting over toilet paper and hand sanitizers,” said Paul Buescher, of Northfield Center Township, Ohio.
Buescher is one of 32 members of a group in northeastern Ohio that shares a farm packed with enough canned and dehydrated food and water to last for years. He said he is now getting calls all day long asking for advice.
Survival supply stores can’t keep up with the demand for food kits and medical supplies.
“Every single business that has to do with emergency preparedness is overloaded,” said John Ramey, founder of a Colorado-based prepper website called The Prepared.
Most preppers say they are about self-reliance and common sense and are quick to distance themselves from the “doomsday preppers” who are depicted on television shows awaiting the day most of the world’s population is wiped off the map.
“The vast majority of this is beans and Band-Aids, not bullets and bunkers,” Ramey said.
Jim Cobb, a disaster readiness consultant and editor-in-chief of Prepper Survival Guide magazine, said he has seen a few fellow preppers gloating on social media about people who are crowding stores in search of disinfectants.
“I hate the thought of alienating any of them because they think were a bunch of elitist goofballs.” he said. “We’re trying to take advantage of the opportunity that for once they’re not laughing and pointing fingers at us.”
While most people who have tested positive for the virus experience only mild or moderate symptoms, there’s a greater danger and longer recovery period for older adults and people with existing health problems.
Experts say it’s most important to practice safe hygiene: Wash hands frequently, cover sneezes and coughs, and stay home if fever or other symptoms arise.
As for the preppers, they have their own recommendations for anyone who is unsure of what to do next:
– Be ready to stay at home for at least two weeks. Have plenty of food and water. Don’t forget about your pets and medicines. That includes over-the-counter products for fevers and coughs.
– Yes, toilet paper is important, but so are hand sanitizers, disinfectants, sanitation wipes, eye protection and gloves.
– Get your finances in order. Make sure you can pay your bills and have cash on hand.
– Maybe most important, relax and don´t panic. And pay attention to the news and what’s happening around you.
Read MoreMillions in ‘zero-Covid’ China are in lockdown as virus cases TRIPLE
Millions of people across China have been plunged into a lockdown on Sunday as cases of Covid-19 tripled after a surge in infections in the north east cause the worst outbreak the country has seen in two years.
A total of 1,938 new cases of coronavirus have been reported by authorities in China on Sunday, which is three times the Saturday figures.
Tighter controls have been put in place for those looking to access Shanghai, with services in the eastern port city, of over 24 million people, have been suspended after their cases rose by 15 to 432.
Anyone wanting to enter Shanghai requires a Covid-19 test to enter.
The nationwide surge in cases has seen authorities close schools in Shanghai and lock down central neighbourhoods in the southern city of Shenzhen.
Neighbouring mainland cities Jilin and Changchun, in the north east, contributed to around three quarters of the total, reporting 1,412 total cases.
Entry to Changchun, which neighbours Jilin city and is within the Chinese province of Jilin, has been suspended, with families also told to stay at home.
Read MoreApartment window protection
Hi Preppers, We live on the 7th floor of a pre-war apartment in NYC. My question: Is there a way for us to put protection on our windows on the interior of our apartment in the event of a hurricane (or civil unrest or…)? Even better, if these shutters are not hideous and fast and easy to deploy? Any ideas? Has anyone put up the bolts for hurricane fabric? Thank you!
Read MoreLong term experience with reccomended Novoo waterproof power bank?
Hi all, I have been working through making a bug out bag. Because money is an issue, I was thrilled that the reccomended power bank wasn’t an arm and a leg. Looking into the reviews on Amazon though it appears that a lot of people love it at first but around 6 months it starts to fail and around a year when it is no longer in warranty it stops working entirely. It is tricky to guage how common that experience is- how many people actually come back to amazon in a year when something fails? Does anyone have any personal experience good or bad?
Alternatively, does anyone have a different power bank that has held up long term for them? (I have been mulling over spending the extra money and getting an otterbox power bank instead- they seem to have a longer lifespan looking at the reviews on Best Buy that tell you how long someone owned something when they submitted the review and much easier to get replaced if they fail. Not clear if they are compatible with a solar charger though.)
Thanks everyone!
Read MoreBook Review: “Deep Survival” – Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why
(image credit: “mountains” by Enrico Strocchi is licensed under Creative Commons – CC BY-SA 2.0)
“Deep Survival” by Laurence Gonzales
If you’re looking for a book that explains strategy and tactics to build mental resilience and make it through tough events, this is a good one. I’ll cover the highlights so you can get started.
Laurence Gonzales is a pilot and journalist who has spent several decades writing about risk and survival. He has read thousands of accident reports, and has interviewed experts from many fields that involve danger, risk assessment, and staying calm under pressure: fighter pilots, firefighters, mountain climbers, wilderness rescue guides. “Deep Survival” is his synthesized analysis of: Why do some people beat the odds and survive?
Part 1: Mental Models and Why We Fail
In Part 1 Gonzales outlines how accidents happen – how our brains work to create mental maps and models of the world, and when these can be right and wrong. He notes when the world can become too complex for humans to understand, and several failure modes that cause us to make mistakes – making assumptions, not updating our mental map when something changes.
The top skill for survival is self-control, and the ability to stay calm. Staying calm helps us to perceive and act clearly rather than rashly. Laughter helps with this. Laughing makes the feeling of being threatened more manageable. It also spreads quickly and unconsciously between people. When you laugh you can feel more relaxed, which helps you to stay calm and focus.
Gonzales discusses our brain’s ability to create “emotional bookmarks” – shortcuts to skip to and perform a certain action without thinking, so it is able to act faster. This can be both good or bad – if your brain has bookmarked the correct action or a harmful action – e.g. removing your breathing regulator while diving. This is why practicing skills helps so much – your body can learn how and when to take the correct action even – or especially – when you’re not thinking. Often this can mean the difference between success and failure.
Another problem getting in the way of survival is not being open to new information or changes. A survivor must expect the world to keep changing, and keep their senses attuned to “What’s up?”. You have to be able to keep processing new information about the world, and let it inform your mental model. Being actively curious helps with this.
When in doubt: don’t.
The last topic Gonzales covers is knowing how to read your environment, and how to react if things get unsafe. You want to learn and build a general understanding of the systems, world, or tools you are working with, and need to be able to recognize and admit when the environment is too large, or too complex. You might be right on the boundary edge of failure and danger, but not realize it. Humans tend to let their guard down when we think we have reached our goal. It is easy to be fooled and think we have things under control.
His overall assessment: “The most efficient preparation is general physical, mental, and professional readiness nurtured over years of training and experience”.
Part 2: Useful Tactics to Think, Act, and Survive
Some people are better at updating their mental model than others. They’re called survivors.
Gonzales spends seven chapters detailing tactics, attitudes, and mental tools used by successful survivors to persevere and get through their situation.
The most important skill is keeping an up-to-date mental map of the current situation or environment. If we are not able to create a mental map, our brain treats this as an emergency, and triggers a physical and emotional response. “Being lost is not a location; .. it is a failure of the mind”. Training and practice beforehand help with this, as we better understand the systems and environment.
Gonzales discusses the importance of quickly moving to the “Acceptance” stage in any situation, so you can avoid wasting time denying reality, and focus on calm, forward progress. “Perceive, believe, then act”. The best survivors spend almost no time getting upset about what has been lost, or feeling distressed about things going badly. They take charge of things within their power, and leave the rest behind. They usually don’t take themselves too seriously, and are therefore hard to threaten.
A large part of maintaining the correct mental model is being open to new possibilities and change. Gonzales covers keeping a humble “beginner’s mindset” and developing “active passiveness”: the ability to accept the situation you are in without giving in to it. Several stories demonstrate how survivors commonly experience a bit of split personality that separates out the emotion from simply focusing on the task at hand. They can skip fully processing or worrying about the events until later, once they are safe. Often this helps to be slow and calm, and think through scenarios before acting rashly.
The book is threaded with solid, real-life examples of survivors getting into and out of tough spots, with stories of their mental process. Whether it’s a mountain climber breaking their leg at 19,000 feet, yet being able to separate emotion and repeatedly take small, correct actions to return; or a river rafting guide having enough experience and wisdom to recognize when conditions got too dangerous and say “No, not today”, saving the life of their group while two other parties perished. The stories are gripping and informative.
Gonzales concludes with a powerful synthesis summary of two lists: How to stay out of trouble; and what to do once you’re in trouble anyway. I am sharing here a partial list in the hope that it is useful and thought-provoking. As Gonzales says – some concepts and advice can be applied to any stressful situation; not just ones where your life is threatened.
Tips to stay out of trouble
Know your stuff.
Take training that is available, including basic survival skills. This may improve your ability to react or predict Do some homework and understand what environment and conditions you’re going into; this helps to inform your equipment, route, strategy Essential tools of adventure: Planning, Caution, Training, Learning good decision making skillsCommune with the dead.
Read and learn about what other people have done, and learn from them See if you can avoid making the same mistakesPerceive, believe, then act.
As the environment changes, you must be flexible and open to new information. You need to perceive what is actually happening, what is changing, and then react to it Survival is adaptation based on a correct reading of the reality around you You should have a plan, and a backup plan. But hold onto them with a gentle grip, and be willing to let go You want: Focus, Control, Courtesy, Humility, ConfidenceDon’t rush.
e.g. Move at half normal speed Avoid impulsive behaviour. You may be able to get away with a few mistakes if you can adjust your behaviour and take corrective action in a timely fashion Stop. Observe. Think. Plan. Act.Be humble
Just because you’re good at one thing doesn’t mean you’re good at all things Don’t get cocky or think you can’t get harmed Keep a beginner’s state of mind; be open to change and possibilityPractice focusing on the positive.
Don’t waste time blaming others; just deal with the situation you are in This mentality helps you to be a rescuer, not a victim It is helpful to work on and develop this attitude regularly, and before you need it By embracing the natural pain points that happen in everyday life, and thinking “What can I do about this?”, you are practicing and preparing for a survival situationWhen in doubt, bail out.
Trust your gut; avoid bad situations when you can This is often the hardest thing to do “It’s better to be on the ground wishing you were in the air, than to be in the air wishing you were on the ground.” Applies to pilots, mountain climbers, etc. Sometimes it is better to turn back and get a chance to do it again, rather than push on and never come back This takes patienceTips to deal with trouble, once you’re in it
1. Look, see, and believe.
Keep taking in information from your environment Ask “What’s up?”. This is fast, and keeps us questioning, taking in new information Move to the “acceptance” stage for your new situation quickly, so you don’t waste time or energy2. Stay calm.
Use fear to focus. Turn it into action, or anger and action Use humour to stay grounded and going. Guard against emotion3. Think, analyze, plan
Get organized, and set up small, routine tasks you can do to help Create small, achievable goals for yourself, so you can accomplish things Celebrate even small successes Act with the expectation of success Listen to rational thoughts and make forward action4. Take correct, decisive action
Be bold yet thoughtful while carrying out tasks Just focus on: what is the next correct action? Break down very large tasks into small, manageable pieces of work Do those tasks well Deal with what is within your power, from moment to moment; hour to hour; day to day Leave the rest behind5. Celebrate your success!
Take joy in completing all tasks, no matter how small You want to create an ongoing feeling of motivation and positivity6. Count your blessings
Be grateful for the things that are going well This is how people turn from survivors into rescuers Often people imagine they are doing the work to help someone else. Even if that other person is not present7. Play
You want to stimulate, calm, and entertain your mind Give it time to rebuild and de-stress You can use music, poetry, math, anything that helps Or just give yourself one small task for focus on The more skills and areas you have and are exposed to beforehand, the better Have a mantra you can repeat, or something that motivates you E.g. dedicating each 100 steps to someone you care about Play leads to invention. Invention may lead to something new that may help8. See the beauty
Pause and see the wonder of the world around you Have some appreciation for nice things This helps relieve stress But also helps you to pause and take in information9. Believe you will succeed
Survivors consolidate their personalities and fix their determination10. Accept and store bad information
You can hide it away until later. Don’t let it bother you or take up thought “surrendering” to the situation, and moving on anyway11. Do what is necessary
Be determined Have the will and the skill Survivors don’t expect help Are coldly rational Obtain what they need And do what they have to do12. Never give up!
There is always one more helpful thing you can do Survivors are not easily frustrated, or discouraged by setbacks Accept the world you are in Be ready to start the process over again: break down the reality into small, manageable bits, and begin to make progress on them Survivors always have a clear reason to keep going on See opportunity in adversity Afterward, learn from and be grateful for the experiences that you’ve had Read MoreGood news for US Type one insulin dependent diabetics
its all free in the UK but our american cousins pay a fortune for their insulin, so this should hopefully help many.
An historic deal has been agreed between JDRF International and partners, to deliver lower-cost insulin across the USA from 2024 to everyone – regardless of insurance status.
The cost of a vial of insulin has tripled in the USA over the last ten years, with prices currently ranging from between $175 (£130) and $300 (£224) per vial, which could cost a person up to $1,000 (£750) a month.
An estimated one in four people who are insulin dependent say they skip or ration their insulin because they cannot afford to pay this inflated price, potentially leading to severe consequences for their health, medical emergencies, or even death.
This groundbreaking partnership between JDRF International – who are based in the USA – and other funders, means that Civica, a nonprofit generic drug manufacturing company, can manufacture and distribute biosimilar insulin for no more than $30 (£23) a vial, or $55 (£40) for a box of five pen cartridges. This is as much as 90% lower than existing costs.
To make this happen, JDRF International has agreed to underwrite the initial development costs, meaning that Civica is able to provide this low-cost option to people who need it.
Civica will develop biosimilars to three of the most commonly used insulins in the USA, to reach the most people possible: glargine (Lantus®), lispro (Humalog®), and aspart (Novolog®). Biosimilar insulin is highly similar to existing insulins that are already licensed for use and are just as effective.
These affordable insulins will be available from 2024 to allow time for development, clinical trials and FDA approval, amongst other logistical factors. Everyone – regardless of their health insurance status – will be able to access this affordable insulin at this cost. This distinguishes this programme from many other existing routes of access for affordable insulin.
JDRF UK’s Chief Executive, Karen Addington, said: “We are today proud of the impact that JDRF achieves: this partnership will help resolve some of the systemic health inequality for people living with type 1 diabetes in the USA.
“It is our hope that this initiative then has the potential to go on and save lives across the world. We know that this news today will resonate with so many of our supporters and stakeholders who live with type 1 or work to prevent, treat and cure type 1 diabetes.”
Read MoreQuantifying safety
After Putin’s threat of nuclear war last week, I would have hoped it would remind many unprepared people that they can never be 100% safe. Also it made me think that we often seek things out because they make us “feel safer”, but that can be irrational.
If you spend $10,000 crime-proofing your home but live in a very low-crime area, you might be only $100 safer. But if you’d used it to pay down debt or saved/invested it, you’d be at least $10,000 safer. As someone who isn’t wealthy and lives in an apartment in a city, I’m mindful of the potential for me to waste money on gear that might ultimately have little value. The water, energy, hygiene, and food preps I have seem to be of the highest value, but perhaps I could do more though it might be best to invest those funds.
So how do others quantify safety? I’m genuinely curious how other people do the calculus of prepping, including the basics of physical and financial health.
Best wishes to all.
Read MoreGovernments starting to ban/control/curtail exports…
No link to sources, you can search and find numerous articles. Many countries are taking steps to curtail (not always outright ban) exports of certain raw materials including food products. A few observations based on my extremely limited knowlegdge of all these things, but coupled with some other bits of things read/heard over the past few months…
1. the items included in the export bans range from basic resources (e.g. grain) to other more perishable good (e.g. eggs, butter, vegetable oil, onions). So… this doesn’t seem to be just a freeze on basic commodities but on value added products as well.
2. the export bans seem to be from smaller countries (e.g. Syria, Bulgaria, Romania); I don’t know if they are net importers of basic necessities but it would seem logical for such places to secure their food security.
3. News from Dec 2021 — the supply chain problems were predicted to remain until late 2022, and that was only when things were anticipated to START getting better. That was obviously before Ru/Uk conflict so…
4. Other commodities (timber, bauxite, palm oil) appear in searches on export adjustments… these could be related to normal trade fluctuations, supply chain issues, Ru/Uk conflict, or just the advancement of the country’s economy such that they want to reserve those things for their own industries. However, have seen multiple reports on timber exports from Ru being impacted now. point being, all of these things can lead to higher prices for lots of things…on top of what was already occuring due to COVID/supply chain issues.
5. Uk is a top 10 world producer of a lot of things — mostly raw materials (e.g. wheat, titanium).
Walking through the grocery at the start of COVID, I was sort of surprised to see empty shelves. Even as I understood why it was so, it simply had never happened in my lifetime here — the only thing stores ran out of were toys during the holiday rush (e.g. Cabbage Patch dolls?). I don’t think anyone will starve, but I’m preparing for some shortages now too.
Read MorePrepping with special needs kids
Hi all,
I’m new to prepping and decided to get sorted after recent covid/ridiculous storm/potential war.
We have 3 aspergers boys who only eat certain foods and certain brands only.
Please note they can detect between tap and bottled water so swapping food item brands is not an option. Neither is ‘when they are hungry they will eat’.. once the three of them refused to eat for 3 days on holidays, to the point we were worried.
This leaves us dependent on the freezer (to store preferred foods). Do I just buy generator? If so, any suggestions (UK)?
Read MoreAnyone know of any good card multi-tools?
For a few years I’ve had one of those light weight credit card size multi-tools in the velcro pocket in the top of my hat (tilley wanderer), that way I always have it with me and it’s surprising how often I use it
I’ve tried a few of them now and they all seem cheap and tacky, does anyone here know of any decent quality ones? or of any other UK legal EDC multi-tool that would be slim/light enough to keep in my hat pocket? budget around £50 ish
Read MoreAnti-nuclear normal apartment in eastern europe – is it a good option?
All cities in eastern europe, even small ones, have been built in the idea of surviving a nuclear attack. Many, probably 30% of flatblocks, also have an underground anti-nuclear room where the family can retreat into in case of a nuclear attack. Even small, 100k enhabitants cities that would not be a nuclear target have them.
What do you think about this kind of apartments? Their location is generally not good because if things go south, that’s where the frontline will probably be. But some ex-soviet countries like Slovenia or Kazahstan are far away enough from the action.
Would such a standard, anti-nuclear soviet apartment be a good option? What would be the best location? I suppose in a city in the mountains, below 300k enhabitants so that it’s not even a target unless all the nukes get fired. Should it be in a NATO country or in central asia? What would be the prons and cons of such an option?
Read MoreBug Out: All you need to know
For who have paying attention to news, all of you certainly know about the war between Russia and Ukaraine, yesterday I saw some of the refuge fleeing from their home in news, some are carrying duffel bag, while some using travel case with wheel, I can only shake my head for this one, despite living in a country that has high chance for war to happen, they are not prepared for the Bug Out, so I guess I will share my knowledge here for those who need.
This article is not intended to replace this post: Emergency kit / bug out bag list , but as a supplement to it. Bug Out means to leave your home and go to some place for better survival rate.
1. To Bug In(Stay at your shelter) or Bug Out:
Now first and most important, know if you should bug out. For example:
When hurricane heading your home = bug out
When war started and you are in the city = bug out
When your house is on fire = bug out
Civil unrest = depending on your country, and where you live
Food price rising = bug in
Power outage = mostly bug in if you have supply in home, otherwise bug out
As you can see, bug out is the last resort to take, that means its either you have no supply at home or staying at home would make your life in danger, otherwise you should always bug in.
2. Vehicle
One of the most ignored and most important, when bug out, you will want to leave as fast as you could. Most people, despite prepared or not, will bug out when noticing danger is coming (hurricane, bombing, etc), and most will bug out in four wheeled vehicle, which make the traffic jam happen. So the best choice is to bug out with motorcycle or bicycle, or just with your foot.
3. Location
If you are bugging out, certainly you will want to go to a safer place. In most natural disaster, the bug out location is hotel, or your parent’s/grandparent’s home, but there are also chance where these place are not accessible and you need to settle in abandoned building woods (there will be more about this later)
4. Bug Out Bag Content
Now after all the important parts, its time about the things you want to carry when you are bugging out:
Water: Water is one of the most important things for our survival (beside air of course), you will only need three things, a stainless water bottle, water filter, and collapsible water bottle.
Stainless water bottle is important since you could boil water in it, which kill the virus and bacteria. (You can also do this in mineral water bottle in emergency, it might be bad for your health, but its better than dying in thirst)
Water filter could make dirty water able to drink without boiling (which is important if you can’t light a fire due to some reason), I always choose water filter that could filter out bacteria, chemical (heavy metal), and virus. If you stay in a city you might not be able to find water from stream to purify it, but if you happen to find a small water puddle, you can still use the filter to purify it, so don’t ditch the water filter even if you planned to stay in the city.
Collapsible water filter are used to collect dirty water so the filter could purify it, however most filter could work with normal soft drink bottle.
Tools/Entrance Tools: One of the most important things in the backpack, which include a knife, multitool, tungsten glass breaker, small axe/tomahawk/machete(big knife), folding saw.
Knife is important for a lot of things, a survival knife in your pack should be around 3-4inch, full tang and made with durable material.
Multitool is essential for a bug out bag, simply because it have so much function. One of it function is bolt cutter, which might be useful if you need to break enter an abandoned building.
Tungsten glass breaker, usually located on a tactical pen or as addon to a multitool, can be used to break glass, which might be useful if you need to break enter an abandoned building.
Small axe/tomahawk/machete(big knife), depending on your location, is important if you are bugging out into the woods/rain forest. In some country like US which could become very cold during winter, axe or tomahawk is very useful to produce firewood even if you are not bugging out into the woods. Machete(Big knife) is important for tropical environment since there are thick under bush in the rainforest.
Folding saw is very useful if you want to cut furniture into firewood, or simply want to cut hardwood, using saw for hardwood save much energy compare to axe or machete.
Shelter: Depending on where you want to stay, you will need different things. If you are bugging out to hotel or friend’s/parent’s house, you could skip this. If you have no choice, you could either stay in abandoned building, or just bugging out into the woods. Please keep in mind that you will not live happily forever in the woods like some preppers imagined, you only stay in abandoned building/woods until the disaster/war is over in your area. If you are staying in the woods, you will need a tarp to keep rain off your head. But tarping is not easily mastered without practice, especially if you are alone, so remember to try setting up tarp when going outdoor, or just at your backyard.
Food: While human can survive longer without food compared to water, food is also essential to provide energy for every day work. I only recommend ration block, while they are not that tasty, they last long, provide multiple day of energy, while being small and not so heavy.
Example: Datrex ration, which could last 3-7days, weight is between 700-800 grams
Clothing: There are 2 type in this category, normal clothing and extra clothing.
Normal clothing: What you currently wear and are comfortable to you, pack a pair of extra into the bug out bag.
Extra clothing:
Gloves: Important to prevent blister in heavy work suck as splitting wood, or just keep your hand warm.
Shoes: Assuming you have your shoes nearby, you won’t have to pack extra in the bug out bag.
Rain gear: Being wet could cause cold which is deadly in disaster, you will need a rain gear to keep your self dry, Most people use Gore-Tex jacket these day, but I keep a tarp poncho in my bag which work to keep me dry while also work as shelter, just choose whatever work for you.
Winter/Cold Jacket: If your region is very cold during winter, remember to wear one if you are bugging out during winter, otherwise keep one in your backpack.
Medical: Medical supply is also important, but don’t just buy a medical kit, they are lots of useful article which tell you how to build an IFAK, while they are true, the most used item in a medical kit is normal pills for common illness, or some plaster and bandage, be sure to NOT overlook these simple content while building your IFAK.
Lighter: Your average BIC Lighter should do, just bring 2-3 of these.
Paracord: Any rope are just as useful as your knowledge, paracord is also useful for setting up tarp, just bring 50-100ft of this.
Light: Headlamp is better than torch since you don’t need to hold it in your hand, if your headlamp is aa/aaa battery powered, remember to bring extra battery.
Toilet paper: Mostly you will use water, but just incase if you couldn’t find water.
Sharpening stone: Keep your tools and knife sharp, I personally use Fallkniven DC4.
Toothbrush: Even without tooth paste, could brush off leftover from your teeth, wont make your mouth smell fresh but at lease you wont have cavity.
Spork: Utensil is important since you won’t have much water to wash your hand.
Nail clipper and ear spoon: Stay outdoor for 2 weeks and you will know how important these things are.
Duct Tape: Very useful when you need to fix or make something.
Pen and paper: Useful to write down your plan or leave note for others.
Battery: Depending on the situation, a 10000-20000 mAh power bank should do for your headlamp and phone, if your headlamp use aa/aaa battery, don’t forget to bring extra.
Mood booster: During hard times, its important to stay sane so you could make right decision, some people bring card or board game, some bring photo of their loved one, whatever you choose, keep it light and simple.
5. Weapons
In disaster, you will need a way to defend yourself, just remember you will need to practice with what you choose.
Guns: Pistol, shotgun, riffle, whatever you choose, make sure you know how and are prepared to use it.
Spear: Always choose gun if it is legal in your country, otherwise simple spear is the best as long as you have the space to wield it.
What not to choose:
Sword: Require so much practice only to be defeated by spear.
Knife: I stab you, you stab me, then we are both dead. While knife is a useful tool, it should not be used to fight unless you have no better option.
6. The bag itself:
The bag should be the last item you buy, so you could know how much space you need. Your bag should be very durable, so it would not fall apart when you need it the most. Keep it mind that your bug out bag should be able to keep on your back COMFORTABLY, that means no duffel or any wheeled case. Also don’t choose camo color as it would make you look like a military unit if you are in a war region.
My Golden standard: Cordura 500D (or Nylon 1000D) and above, YKK Zipper, good carrying system, good hip belt.
I personally use Tasmanian Tiger backpack because its simple and works, other brands like 5.11 and Mystery Ranch also meet my standard. Just choose what you like and are comfortable to you. Even you want something lighter (my backpack weight 2.1 Kilograms without anything), anything 400d nylon with YKK Zipper, good carrying system and good hip belt should do, but keep in mind you are sacrificing durability for weight. Don’t worry about the greyman tactics unless you choose camo color, you wont be much different than the bugging out crowd.
My backpack which carrying everything I need.
Feel free to give some suggestion and if you have any questions, just ask below.
Read MoreIs there a more updated survival manual than the 8 year old SAS Survival Manual?
I see you are still recommending the “SAS Survival Manual” for the best reference. It’s 8 years old. There are a lot of changes in that time. From advances in technology to assessments of risks because of changes in civilized (or UNCIVILIZED) world. I would be surprised if there isn’t a more recent source.
Read MorePoison ivy, oak, and sumac – how to identify, treat, and a fun little game
When hiking, bugging out, or working in your backyard, you may come in contact with a poison plant. There are many poisonous plants but I am going to focus on the three that everyone knows but may not know how to identify. Poison ivy, oak, and sumac.
Why am I writing this?
Because I was wanted to learn about these plants myself and the best way to get information to stick is to teach it to someone else.
Where do these plants grow and how do I identify them?
POISON IVY grows throughout all of the US states except California, Alaska, and Hawaii. It likes to grow near disturbed ground like along hiking trials. They grow as ground cover, shrub, or a climbing vine. Leaves are in clusters of three (“leaves of three let them be”), they are green in the summer, red in the fall, and have grayish-white berries.
POISON OAK isn’t as common as ivy, but is still prevalent in the US sticking to the west coast and the south eastern states. The leaves look like poison ivy but with more rounded edges, look like little oak leaves, and also grow in groups of three. It too likes growing along disturbed ground, grows as a shrub in sunlight, or climbs up trees as a vine in search of more sunlight. Leaves will be bronze, bright green, yellow-green, or red in the fall. The berries of poison oak are a greenish-white or tan.
POISON SUMAC is found in the eastern US and grows as a shrub that looks like a tree as tall as 20 feet. Luckily these plants like to stay to swamps or peat bogs so you may never run into these. These don’t grow in groups of three and instead have 5-13 leaves per stem. Stems are red in the spring, and brown in the fall and winter. They have oval-shaped berries that are white-gray in color.
In summary:
Let’s play a game. I will show various pictures of poisonous plants and you have to guess what they are. Comment below with your guesses and I will respond in a week with the answers.
How to avoid exposure?
The sap of these plants contain a toxin called urushiol oil. The good thing is that this sap is on the inside of the plant and touching the leaves doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to start itching. However, undamaged plants are rare and most have had the sap leak on leaves at some point be it from an animal brushing against it or if you are clearing some land and break the stem open. This oil can transfer to your shoes, clothes, pets, or tools, like if you were hiking and stepped on a plant, you then later touch your shoes to take them off and the oil transfers to your hands.
When out hiking, wear long pants, boots, and gloves. If you know there are poisonous plants in the area, wear disposable gloves when removing this clothing. Wash these clothes separately than your other clothes with soap and hot water to displace the urushiol oil.
What happens if I come in contact? Will I die!?
In extreme circumstance you may have an entire body reaction where your eyes swell shut and your body swells up. If this happens go to the ER immediately, but for most people it will just be uncomfortable and irritating.
The oil will cause redness, swelling, itching, and blisters within 12-48 hours. (it may not appear for 7-10 days for people who have never been exposed to it before) Avoid touching and itching the area because you may just spread the oil to other parts of your body, hard to do though when it takes so long for it to show up.
Urushoil oil is absorbed by different parts of your body at different rates so it may appear that it is spreading.
Do not burn these plants to get rid of them because that oil will get in the air and can get in your lungs and affect you from the inside.
How do I treat if I touch it?
Rinse the area off with rubbing alcohol to displace the oil. Then rinse off with water to try and get off as much as possible. And lastly after that wear disposable gloves and use soap and warm water. The soap and water step is last to avoid spreading the oil to other parts of your body during the lathering stage.
The rash, blisters, and itch will disappear in about two weeks without any treatment. Applying a cool compress, topical or oral antihistamines, topical hydrocortisone cream, or topical anesthetics can help relieve the pain. If you have oozing blisters (that’s a nice thought isn’t it), applying baking soda, or calamine can help dry out the blisters.
In conclusion:
To be honest, I’ve never looked for any of these plants when out hiking. Most of them look just like any other random plant that I might walk by and never notice, so it will take some effort to slow down and be observant.
Have any of you ever come in contact with any of these plants? Share your story.
Also, remember to share your guesses to the identification quiz down below. I’ll share the answers in a week.
Read MoreWeather and pain tolerance
Good morning,
Link explores whether “weather has a causal, non-linear, dynamic effect on pain tolerance”.
Seriously, it’s worth glancing at this short article.
My concern is field care. It’s easier for me to treat an injury in “comfortable” weather than the non-comfortable.
Read MoreVolunteer fire departments
I was surprised to read that 92% of the 812 fire departments in my state are all volunteer or mostly volunteer. The number of volunteers is shrinking. This factors into where I want to live. I want to live where there are some paid professional fire fighters.
I think I’m turning into a proponent of living in a town big enough for some paid professional first responders (and hopefully a small hospital) yet a town small enough to avoid traffic congestion and sprawl. As I noted in a different thread, there are options besides big city and rural country in terms of places to live. At a minimum, know the robustness of your fire fighter pool.
Read More