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Burning Candles

This probably seems like a grade-school level subject, but I’ve tended to have a lot of difficulty burning candles efficiently.  Boredom with the bad weather has encouraged me to relieve my ignorance.  It turns out there’s a lot more to burning candles than just lighting the wick.  And there are lots of articles on the internet about how to burn and maintain candles for optimal light and burn time, not to mention safety practices.

One of the main points (there are many!) is always trimming the wick.  As I was reading an article, I was burning an Amish stearic acid carriage lamp candle (really!) in a little kerosene lamp that I converted for the candle.  This candle was burning flawlessly (my last try with the candle that was just open to the air was a failure, yet these candles burn handsomely in carriage lamps!).  To my surprise, when I looked up from reading about burning candles, the candle (which had been burning about an hour) was really “chugging” and smoking a bit.

So one of several rules about burning candles is that depending on the candle, it’s going to need its wick trimmed during extended burn times.  After burning an hour the wick was about 3/4″ long! This candle looks like it needs attention about every hour.

I’d encourage folks who have a stash of candles for emergencies, but never actually gave a thought to burning them, to look up the many articles on burning them safely and correctly. This is a pretty good place to start.

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Can a regular refrigerator be used as a medical refrigerator?

Due to some physical reasons, people have to take some medicines frequently. Some medicines that are frequently taken need to be kept at a certain low temperature for a long time. These medicines need to be refrigerated, but can they also be stored in a regular refrigerator at home? I tried to find the answer online. Professional medical refrigerators have temperature control between 2-8 ℃ and have some safety functions to ensure that your medicines are not damaged. What do you think?

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News for the week of 2024-07-15

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Bottom Water Dispenser

Hi everyone! 🙂

This is my first post, and I can already tell I’ll be doing a lot of reading here.

Since 2020, we’ve been building our log home in the woods. Every trip involves packing food, dog supplies, clothes, and—most importantly—water.

Over time, our packing has gotten easier, but one constant is the water situation.

We have a dug well that tests safe to boil, but it has a noticeable color and odor, so we prefer to bring our own water.

I’m considering getting a bottom-loading water dispenser. My concern is, when the bottle is open and in use – even if it is in the dark compartment and we keep it plugged in, how long will the water stay good?

It would be a hassle to replace it too often, especially since we might be away for a month or only visit a couple of times a month.

Thanks for any insights!

(I am watching youtube review videos so there goes the inspiration for the image!)

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Capture d’écran 2024-07-17 111344

Canning lids and rings in Nm

I once was a “seller” have several hundred of these. Because I’m in NM and shipping is too costly I’d be willing to trade for other gear but close to Santa Fe, Abq but when I make my every couple month trips. 

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News for the week of 2024-07-08

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News for the week of 2024-07-01

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News for the week of 2024-06-24

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When and where to not carry concealed firearms

I sometimes see signs like this on the entrances of businesses and restaurants. Banks, hospitals, schools, and even The Cheesecake Factory prohibit firearms on their premises. Is it outright illegal to carry a gun in these places or just their company policy? Will disobeying these signs result in a felony, a misdemeanor, or just being asked to leave? 

The bad guys who are going to shoot up a place are not going to care if there is a sign on the window or not and might even target these locations knowing that all the good people inside are going to be disarmed. Weighing the pros and cons, I am leaning more to conceal carrying in my purse and worst case scenario being asked to leave rather than be left vulnerable against an active shooter like what happened in the Brooklyn subway the other day.

It probably will depend on the state or city you are in, so there might not be one overall right answer, but if you have any thoughts I’d like to hear. 

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Turn old bed sheets into durable waterproof tarps

The following video shows how to take old bed sheets and turn them into durable waterproof tarps.

The reason I am sharing this project here is because it looks to be a more durable tarp than the plastic tarpaulins you would buy at the hardware store and isn’t that expensive for what you get. A cheap tube of silicone caulk is about $5 and the gallon of Naphtha is $10. 

From the video it says to find the volume of your bed sheets and use 3/4 of that volume in solvent (naphtha). Then using a ratio of 5:1 (Naphtha:Silicone) combine until the silicone is dissolved into a maple syrup consistency and soak your bed sheet in it. Hang to dry for a day and you have a waterproof fabric tarp.

To be honest I am tired of the UV rays of the sun and wind beating up my cheap plastic tarps and may try this out. This will probably hold up longer durability-wise and I don’t see it losing it’s waterproof ability like some fabrics do because it isn’t just a topical coating that can be rubbed off and silicone is a strong synthetic material that won’t break down as easily or quickly like bees waxed canvas would.

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News for the week of 2024-06-17

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News for the week of 2024-06-10

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News for the week of 2024-06-03

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Recipes for cooking with only non-perishable food

I was wondering if anyone could share some recipes for cooking with only non-perishable ingredients? I’m thinking canned fish and chicken. Thanks in advance  🙂

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Atmospheric water generators

Has anyone heard of atmospheric water generators (particularly for home use)? If so what are you thoughts and is there one you’d recommend?

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News for the week of 2024-05-27

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Is a portable solar-powered generator practical for powering my home?

I don’t have solar panels on my house and I don’t have the money to invest in a rooftop array. I want something to power my home…the refrigerator as much as needed, lights at night, our on-demand water heater. Is a portable system with panels I can set up in my backyard practical for this purpose? I like the idea that we can take it with us if we need to. I would love your thoughts and thanks in advance.

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News for the week of 2024-05-20

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Altoids First Aid Kit

I’ve been making up some kits lately and thought I would share. 

Here’s my Altoids first aid kit (including packing order):

Moleskin, Pre-cut and Shaped Pieces (1)
Bandage, Gauze 2”x2” (1)
Alcohol wipes (2)
Bandage, Knuckle (1)
Bandage, 1”x3” (2)
Bandage, Butterfly (2)
Sting relief wipe (1)
Triple antibiotic ointment (1)
Ibuprofen 200 mg (2)
Benadryl 25 mg (2)
Glue, super (1)
Tweezers (1)

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Lahaina Fire: Deadliest US Fire in a Century

A wildfire destroyed the historical town of Lahaina, former royal capital of Hawaii, on August 9, 2023. Many people burned alive in their homes, unaware that a fire was approaching. Others burned in their cars, stuck in traffic while trying to evacuate, or drowned while trying to escape into the harbor.  Bodies are still being counted (93 so far), but the death toll could be up to 1000.

As fires become more common and more intense, we need to learn fire emergencies like Lahaina so that we can prevent them, or at least reduce the loss of life in the next fire emergency. Please join me in collecting information about what went wrong and what could have been done differently. What challenges did the people of Lahaina face as they tried to escape the flames. What could individuals have done differently to improve their odds of survival? What could the community have done differently to prevent the town from burning or to get people out in time?

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You are stranded on a deserted island, you can choose four items…

First post here. Wanted to share something I saw on Facebook that I thought would be fun.

I took out that spot near the hunting rifle because it had weed in there. I don’t think that’s a very good survival item so lets place an ax there instead as an option.

Don’t just list four items that you would take though, tell why you would choose those over something else and how you would use those items to keep yourself alive.

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News for the week of 2024-05-13

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News for the Week 2024-04-29

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News for the week of 2024-05-06

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Has anybody blood tested the Oroweat keto tortillas?

Anybody monitoring blood glucose actively? They have the modified/resistant starch as a primary ingredient. Research around the web suggests pretty dramatic blood glucose elevation, though not as sharp a spike as normal starch. Would love to hear from people directly.

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