Over 76,000 cases were added to the globe in the last 24 hours. We’ll have more than a million cumulative cases by tomorrow. There have been almost 50,000 deaths globally.
It’s been apparent that China’s case numbers were off—potentially by an order of magnitude. China states it will now include positive, asymptomatic cases. US intelligence agencies, Radio Free Asia, and Bloomberg News indicate that China’s true cases numbers were intentionally withheld. Any policy decisions that were made based on the fudged numbers were flawed policy decisions.
Pay cuts for doctors and nurses during a pandemic? Intermountain Health Care says it applies only to those clinicians who experience hour cuts. In most facilities across the nation it’s an “all hands on deck” situation. If it isn’t yet for Utah, it will be shortly.
It turns out that mathematical modeling is difficult. Apparently the CDC is using a best case scenario model that includes mitigation measures the US isn’t even doing. The stakes are high. Imperial College London estimates 2.2 million American deaths.
My worst nightmare is still a distinct possibility (and no, I don’t mean the cancellation of the Scottish festivals. I mean the potential for global famine). Supply chain problems, export restrictions, and sick farm workers makes a bad combination:
#UPDATE The heads of the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization, the WHO and WTO warned on Wednesday of the risk of a worldwide "food shortage" if authorities fail to manage the ongoing #coronavirus crisis properly https://t.co/sHwmExv3U1 pic.twitter.com/IoR6xzL05X
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) April 1, 2020
Aircraft carrier captain pleads for help as hundreds onboard fall ill with SARS-CoV-2. The Navy refuses to evacuate the ship. Meanwhile, the military says it won’t release numbers of infected to the public anymore.
Please stay at home, folks:
NEW: Sacramento County says "approximately one-third of the confirmed cases in Sacramento County are linked to gatherings related to churches."
— Nick Miller (@NickMiller510) April 1, 2020
A train operator in San Pedro, CA deliberately derailed a train in an attempt to hit the USNS Mercy because he believed the ship was there for malicious purposes, like “a government takeover”:
Train operator at Port of Los Angeles charged with intentional derailment of locomotive near the Navy hospital ship Mercy.https://t.co/Y5fZEj0Vz4
— US Attorney L.A. (@USAO_LosAngeles) April 1, 2020
Stranded plague cruise ships are instructed by the National Guard to remain at sea “indefinitely.”
What mask pattern should you use when making your own mask? We don’t exactly know, but something is better than nothing. Hand-washing and keeping your hands away from your face are still very important, and these are things to remember when wearing a mask.
Movie theaters are not making much money. I don’t find this surprising, but the numbers are certainly interesting:
The Domestic Box office (movie theaters) brought in a whopping $5,179 for the week of Mar 20-26. Down 100% from $204,193,406 the same week a year ago… These numbers are just incredible.
— Strider Elass (@StriderElass) March 31, 2020
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