The positive/negative air pressure i am unclear on. How is it on the vents but not in the air?
Yup. I love guns, dirtbikes, atvs, dirty things and my alone time but the no night life and lack of dining establishments makes me suburban at best. I love learning rural things however and have a real respect for those that operate on a slower wavelength and the capability and knowledge to do it all on their own. Thank you for the article, i can tell it took some time!
I believe now is the time the skeptics are going to see that there’s nothing to be skeptical about. The impatience and lack of being in “control” from the lockdown has now overcome the initial fear and people are blindly going back to normalcy out of the need to feel comfortable. The conspiracy theories are really taking off as people start to look for answers or something that makes them feel better. Its causing some irrational behavior. It will be an interesting summer. Guess the heat isnt exactly helping as hoped.
Exercising is important. It goes along with a routine as well as changes chemicals in your body that will make you happier. There’s a reason all the bicycles, roller skates and weight sets flew off the shelves. It should also be noted that a routine does not have to be a structured/ordered list. Doing things at different times is refreshing. Stay moving and changing and you will feel better.
Thanks. I know i read it a very long time ago and maybe it wasn’t on here. It was a curious event to say the least.
Stephanie one of these blog posts or perhaps in the general coronavirus post mentioned that the BSL-4 lab in Wuhan was shut down for “reconditioning” or some similar terminology. I believe it was sometime in February but i cannot find the post or even any articles about it on the net. I feel like the post on here had a link to the source article. Any idea where that info is on here? I tried searching but did not find it. Thanks!
Not one to hope blindly and i know little about vaccine development however my hope is that technology has come a long way since then. Largest worry is that I’ve heard there isn’t much money in vaccines. Please speak freely id i’m incorrect.
Saw the same interview on “The Ingraham Angle”.
Clean the bodies after they’re dead. Makes total sense. Said it once but ill say it again. If you’re wearing a mask please know how to take it off and put it on. See here:
The dumbassery of it all is astounding. We’ll see many more deaths. There is no safety at current testing levels.
The media is an echo and surgeon of anything said by the government. No blame was being assigned; simply stating whats happening. Most people get their info from major news networks that relay government information; not from cspan etc. That being said; in this case the echo is dangerous. The general public will hear “open back up” and go right back to the norm of the beginning of the year. Summer? Parties! I know i always stay 6ft apart from everyone at those summer pool parties 😉
Excellent closing!
New lesson: Optimism is dangerous under the right circumstances. I think we are seeing that right now. The case numbers are being perceived in a less serious light as people become numb. The selfishness of people as individuals or small groups is becoming clearer. The constant media focus on reopening has taken over the basic message to stay home and social distance. The comparisons to the regular flu are re-emerging along with other poor comparisons that once again discount the seriousness of the situation. We only had to go through this once but without a successful treatment; a reopening will just land us back where we are right now. Just my opinion but I’m a numbers guy and they don’t add up.
Were just rushing to be back here again. There is no safety except for a vaccine.
Your best cream of butter soup recipe. I cant quite get the base right. Always tastes to oily! You said cream of anything.
Social breakdown is around the corner. A few situations: Q: What do you do when you don’t have what you need and the govt cant provide it for you and almost seems reluctant to do so? A: The animals inside us come out. This is not the financial crisis. The wealthiest are feeling this crunch. The charitable donations will come to a halt and no private sector help coupled with govt inadequacy leads people to provide for themselves any way possible. Q: If the prisons are empty and the police force and military are getting sick who is left to maintain order? A: If martial law/national guard control etc is enacted; this is not a good thing. The armed men at your neighborhood intersections will not be answering house calls when you call 911 as someone in your neighbourhood is attacking you. They exist to keep you inside certain boundaries. They may not be the most moral of individuals themselves. Like the point of this domain states; you’re either the prepared or you aren’t. Just remember if you are prepared; you’re also a target. You have what everyone needs.
The idea of going for a walk with someone is nice however its easily forgotten when in a conversation to stay 6 feet away. Its natural to move closer to someone when holding a conversation. My city proper is a ghost town but i fear the damage there is done. We will see in the coming days. The govt had its chance and should have ordered every state to shelter in place but like previously mentioned that is not anywhere near a social norm and incomprehensible in regular life. I can tell that some of the people, mainly the elderly, in the market are still going there every day because that is their regular routine. It is very clear now that continuing a routine will get someone sick or dead at this point.
Personally im essential personnel and go to work 4 days a week presently. I operate passenger trains in a major east coast city. I have been wearing an N95 mask since 3 weeks ago. Also disposable gloves which i wash as if they were my own hands. I have stopped wearing contact lenses and wear my prescription glasses and a baseball cap as added protection. I only have a few n95s so Ive been using a UVC germicidal/ozone lamp to sterilize it each night when i get home and leave it in the sun whenever possible. I shop for myself and other people once a week(i actually have quite a stockpile of food but somethings just dont keep) and wear the mask and gloves along with my prescription eyeglasses and a baseball cap when doing this as well. When i first started doing this both at work and in stores i got some strange looks. I do not care what people think like you said and i believe it serves a purpose to also show people that this is real and to take it seriously. Im a 6’3 person and draw attention anyhow. Im also young and not in the “at risk” group the media has thus far stated. I feel like people see this and think “if hes worried maybe i should be as well.” It also keeps people away from me as an added benefit. My trip to the store 3 days ago shows things are changing. More people were wearing masks and gloves. There was also a number of food items sold out at noonish on a monday when i arrived. I didnt hesitate to put the mask on after knowing that japan and most other asian countries see this behavior as polite in crowded situations. In short; its rough out there. My earlier comment that peoples inability to believe the seriousness of this is what will do more people in.
Thank you for the update. This situation brings about a realization of a weakness in what it means to be human. People have been lying to themselves and continue to do so about the pandemic because for almost a century this hasn’t happened. The 1918 flu pandemic was so horrific that society rushed to forget about it. It takes real strength to push past the discomfort that this situation is happening and is not being handled correctly by govt officials and people that are supposed to be “in control”. It isn’t helped when the leaders of major countries fall prey to this behavior and glaze over the seriousness of the situation. Denial will not feed loved ones or keep them safe from harm. The russians are not coming and the terrorists are not the threat here. This is a non-concrete enemy that cannot be seen and is easily dismissed due to this. The people that are assigned to protect are failing. The people who are assigned to heal us are overrun if not getting sick themselves. The govt stockpiles are dwindling. This is our zombie apocalypse. Instead of fighting off hoards of undead; the solution is much simpler: stop living regular life and stay home. Because this is so simple people do not take it seriously. Rational to most people is what they do in their daily lives. Hope is dwindling that any of this is under control. China lied about the stats and the other govts listened as if it were gospel. We will all suffer for that now.