GPS data gives the US an “F” in social distancing. See how your area scores

Three weeks ago, South Carolina was the only state in the country to earn an ‘F’ in social distancing. Now, Wisconsin gets an ‘F.’ Texas gets an ‘F.’ Nevada gets a ‘C.’ Florida gets an ‘F.’ Wyoming gets a ‘D+!’ And, averaged all together, an ‘F’ for the whole United States. Since March, Unacast has

How to think about your risk factors for severe illness if you get COVID-19

States may be reopening, but the COVID-19 pandemic is far from over. In fact, some studies show cases are likely to rise, and more than ever Americans are now at risk of contracting COVID-19. Given that everyone’s odds of having a run-in with the coronavirus just went up, people are beginning to wonder how much

Good news: Gilead is licensing remdesivir around the world

Remdesivir, the RNA polymerase inhibitor which received emergency use authorization from the US FDA after passing two randomized clinical trials for efficacy against COVID-19, will be available in more of the world due to a licensing deal between Gilead, the drug’s inventor, and five generic pharmaceutical companies in South Asia. As we’ve reported since February,

Review: the 4Patriots food tub

The appeal of an emergency food stash is clear: if you suddenly can’t leave your house for a few weeks, how will you eat? Now, with COVID-19 lockdowns in our present and future, emergency food appeals more and more. But how do you know if the food tub you’ve purchased will work out when you

We bought Hoosier Hill powdered sour cream for our COVID-19 food supply. That was a mistake

I haven’t been to a store in two months. And while my family is far from starving, there are some staples we’ve been missing, like sour cream. Last week, my wife was desperate enough for sour cream that she was threatening to go into a germ-ridden store to obtain some. I did the only thing

How experts will decide if the reopening is working, or if it’s time for a second lockdown

So, your governor has said you can go out now, and restrictions are easing up. Good for you! …Or is it?  How will we know if lifting restrictions is a good decision or not, especially with such distrust in the official numbers and conflicting reports from various models on total cases and deaths? Which resources can

Meat supply safety worries mount: even if it’s available, should you eat it?

It’s no secret that the American meat supply chain has been seriously harmed by COVID-19. Nonetheless, the CDC insists that despite the turmoil of the shutdowns and shortages, our meat remains safe to eat. But an investigation by The Prepared suggests otherwise: We’ve learned that many large US meat processing plants have sought and obtained

Did I have COVID-19 when I got sick back in March? A scientist interprets his antibody test results

I’ve spent most of the past two months pondering the same question many of you are currently pondering : did I actually have COVID-19 and get over it that one time this past winter that I got really sick with COVID-like symptoms? In late February and early March I had a cough, fever, and a