Has anyone used a DD tarp?
What is opinion on a DD tarp ( 3m x 3m)? They are expensive but they have good reviews on Amazon and YouTube.
Comments (8)
Gideon ParkerStaff - January 5, 2022
Could you help give us a bit more information so we can best assist you?
First off, is this DD Hammock the item you are looking at?
What are some of the use cases you have for a tarp? Multipurpose, something for your bug out bag, camping tarp,…?
Can I recommend The Prepared’s article on the Best Tarps? Not only will it tell you what the top tarps are out of the 50 we looked at, but it will also tell you features and other things to be aware of when looking for a tarp, which will then guide you to answer your question up above of is the DD tarp good or not.
grntrkguy1964 - January 5, 2022
On Amazon, it is listed as a 3 m x 3m tarp, but not a hammock. Its made by DD hammock…
grntrkguy1964 - January 5, 2022
I have one made by SOL, but looking for something more substantial.
Colorado Jones - January 5, 2022
I have a good friend who swears by them for tarp camping and has used his successfully in a variety of three-season conditions, even in shoulder-season snow storms.
I’ve got the tarp on my list of possible purchases with the idea of having something lightweight that I can toss in my daypack and use as an emergency shelter when hiking. Mainly, I’ve just procrastinated on the purchase because of the price. It’s a lot of money to pay for something that I just carry around in my pack and, possibly, never use. One alternative that I’ve considered is a simply GI poncho, which could be used for a basic emergency shelter. It’s heavier, bulkier, but much cheaper.
That being said, if you’re willing to pay the price, DD makes a really nice product.
hikermor - January 5, 2022
A non-GI poncho would be even better – lighter but more costly. You will use it eventually
grntrkguy1964 - January 5, 2022
I have a military issue poncho but, im not a fan. It would work in an absolute emergency.
hikermor - January 5, 2022
Back when I was a walking milsurp guy, I and my companions camped routinely with GI ponchos, even in the snow.
Nowadays, there are lighter products available, albeit more expensive. I generally pony up the dough. Generally that is better in the long run.
JennyWren - January 6, 2022
Yes I have one. It’s very light, well sown and has a number of anchor points for various configurations. I mainly use it when I’m fishing as a sunshade. I also use it as a footprint for my tent.
Black Club - January 6, 2022
LadyKaos - January 6, 2022
I have had this one for a few years: https://www.militarykit.com/products/dd-hammocks-tarp-3×3?variant=12906561896506 and it didn’t seem too expensive compared to some of the fancy light weight tarps out there, I thought it was incredibly good value for how well it’s made and it’s been well tested as a temporary shelter for use during lunch on hikes in very bad weather on mountains and such, it weighs in at a mighty 1kg once you add cordage, ridge-line, stakes etc… and once it gets wet it’s even heavier, so it’s not something I would carry with me unless I am sure I will need it and am with a large enough group to want all that space, and when I’m on my own/not exspecting to need it I bring a smaller, lighter tarp just in case
as far as it’s durability is concerned tho: over the past 2 years (because of covid) a lot of family meet-ups have been in our gardens, my mum decided she was going to spent £400 on a gazebo, so I told her not to waste the money and got a second 3×3 DD tarp instead, I put it up between two 8 foot poles at the end of her garden and left it, it’s been there for the 6 months of summer (taken down in winter) through two years, sure the fabric is bleached and a bit degraded but it doesn’t leak yet
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