Online survival/prepping courses?
I’m doing some research for an article, and I’m wondering if anyone here has a favorite online course related to prepping or survival that they’ve taken? If so, I’d love to check out whatever you’ve found useful. Thanks!
Comments (19)
Carpium - July 30, 2020
This is going to be a bit out of left field, but Rewilding Portland did their Echoes in Time conference online this year (wrapping up today, I think) and it includes a number of online classes on “ancestral skills.” Some of it will be specific to the Portland area (re: plants, edible fruits). Full disclosure, I have not watched them – I’m going to wait for the archived videos. I don’t know if it will require a donation to the conference to watch them – they’re on a “pay what you can” model.
I did attend another conference pre-corona and the people there are serious about what they do. It’s connected to Rewilding of course, which is a philosophy of living and a whole subject in itself. Probably not exactly what you’re looking for but it is novel and you’re almost guaranteed to have never heard of it otherwise. You can see the schedule here
Edit: looks like the videos are up, have to be found through the Facebook page.
North Coast - July 31, 2020
I haven’t taken any structured online courses, but I have learned a lot from Four Season Foraging and joined her Patreon (first time ever) which has additional content for supporters. Not sure if that’s the kind of content you’re looking for. She has blog articles and posts how-to videos on Youtube, in addition to doing live class in Twin Cities, MN area.
Jesse Smith - August 1, 2020
Have you checked out Joshua Enyart’s stuff?
Holly Bradley - September 11, 2023
I have checked out
He has some excellent classes. I would love to take some. A little $$, but you get what you pay for. Primitive living, weapon making, hides, baskets, how to field dress animals, etc!!!
Eric - September 11, 2023
While GrayBeardedGreenBeret’s in-person classes are way out of my price range, I see that he’s made substantial video courses available for free on YouTube. For example, this “Green Beret’s No-Nonsense Bug Out” playlist is 4.5 hours of video instruction and sounds very comprehensive.
Ochodemayo - August 3, 2020 is an emerging platform and has some cool stuff. I’ve taken a couple of the short free courses, and looked at the previews for others.
Bradical - August 10, 2020
They have a course on making fish leather which is pretty rare. Which ones did you take?
Rider - August 4, 2020
I have found there is so much on youtube, that you can spend a lot of time learning for free. I have looked at courses in the outdoors but they are usuallly out of state which adds to the expense. Most of them are pretty basic and the tougher ones that involve being outside for an extended period of time are not for me. I have an extensive library of survial skill books. From knots, recipes, shelters, skinning, making snares, first aid and more than I wish to type here. Everytime I reread one, I learn something new.
Matt Black - August 8, 2020
Agreed. Enroll at YouTube University! LOL
Plenty of prepping channels. And while there’s a lot of decent information out there about prepping in general, I found myself filtering out rhetoric, comments, etc and just focusing on the key takeaways. I kinda liked City Prepping’s channel, it seemed like one of the more sane ones. There are a lot of interesting Gedankenexperiment (thought experiment)-inducing scenarios, well-reasoned tips, gear, etc. The get-me-anxious-because-looming-DOOOOM -music is slightly annoying and distracting but dude seems like he has a really high budget. I have champagne dreams and beer budget. So, if you’re on a budget, apply filter there, too.
I’ve also found that just searching just the vanilla basic stuff can be really useful, especially if you need a break from the anxiety-inducing prepper channels. The ordinary, plain stuff can be really educational and you’re still learning a skill toward a prepping goal. Hell, I’d argue that they’re more educational because you don’t have that added stress/anxiety. Well, at least I don’t.
They’re also really good for refreshers!
– Bicycle repair
– Auto repair
– Firearms (basics & advanced)
– Self defense concepts and techniques
– Ham radio
– Camping tips, camping gear
– Cooking and preserving
– Gardening tips
Juna - August 17, 2020
My favorite is Selco’s SHTF School courses online (and he has physical courses as well in the Balkan and even US I think).
The online course is slightly expensive but has a ton of information, very good graphics and most of all Selco’s experience of the Balkan war of the 90’s.
Zabeth - August 19, 2020
Two great courses I’ve taken online are the “Home Canning with Confidence” course taught by Melissa K. Norris:, and “The Art of Homemade Bread” course taught by Carolyn Thomas:
Cady - August 29, 2020
I decided to learn first aid and was recommended this wilderness first aid course: I’m doing the blended learning option (online course now, in-person course if COVID ever dies down). So far I’m liking it!
pint of beer - August 31, 2020
that’s smart. i’ve been watching stuff on youtube for first aid but the plan is to try some real courses soon. will check out your link and hope that it’s not forever until in-person is a good option.
Rider - August 31, 2020
I wish courses were offered in our state. I have collected a library of first aid info to have so others could learn. Some of the list of medications are not for public use. Which makes me wonder if you could use meds for animals and then use them on people. I know, don’t get alarmed not all drugs used by animals are safe for humans. Pain killers like ladicaine maybe. But hey I’m no doctor.
WinstonsWife - August 31, 2020
This online class alla bout mushrooms is legit.
C P.Contributor - September 28, 2020
I noted recently that Landmark Learning in NC has an online course in Shelter in Place First Aid:
I like Landmark – I did EMT Intensive there – but I admit that I’m a bit skeptical about this offering, because there is no assessment of either knowledge or skills. It seems to me that for maximum value and confidence-building, students need to be assessed.
Josh CentersContributor - September 29, 2020
For ham radio, Ham Test Online got me ready for the General exam in a week. Don’t let the dated web design fool you, it’s one of the best resources out there. It not only teaches the answers but also the concepts and it drills you on your weak points. It’s $35 for a six-month subscription, which seems unfair, but ideally, you’ll get your license well before your subscription runs out.
Josh CentersContributor - September 29, 2020
At some point I’d like to teach a course on practical ham radio. A lot of the resources are focused on passing the test, which will ground you in some core concepts but not the real hands-on aspects of radio. And there are good YouTube channels out there, but they’re often unfocused and skip the “boring stuff” you need to know like how to place and hang antennas.
Gideon ParkerStaff - September 29, 2020
I got my technician’s license by just watching YouTube videos and a couple other resources, but all of those resources were tailored to just help you pass and negated on those core concepts, and most videos do just skip over the boring stuff.
I would love to learn from you and have a well rounded approach to ham radio. I know that there is alot that I can learn from you.
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