Welcome to the newly revamped Key Developments, now twice weekly and with non-COVID news. Right now, it’s actually still just COVID news, but we’ll be slowly morphing it into something broader as we go.
The world has over 28.3 million cases. The world has added 1.9 million cases since last Thursday. There have been over 913,000 deaths. The US has nearly 6.6 million cases and has had over 196,000 deaths. At least 945 Americans have died from COVID-19 in the last 24 hours. The US has gained over 37,000 new cases since yesterday. India is first in the world for daily case growth, with over 97,000 new cases.
COVID-19 positive patients with no known positive COVID-19 contacts are more than twice as likely to have dined in at a restaurant, bar, or coffee shop in the two weeks before the test compared to those who tested negative:
Why is dining indoors at restaurants so risky? No masks because eating and drinking, lots of loud talking to socialize and be heard over the din, long exposure period, probably insufficient ventilation. I'm still supporting local restaurants, but takeout only. https://t.co/q90agpXNYE
— Linsey Marr https://www.threads.net/@linseycmarr (@linseymarr) September 10, 2020
The Southern Hemisphere essentially skipped its flu season because of masks and social distancing. The Northern Hemisphere typically mimics the Southern Hemisphere’s flu pattern (if they have a bad season, we follow with a bad season). Although this bodes well for us, it is predicated on the use of masks and social distancing. The US may still have a significant flu season as many are going about their lives as normal as we head into fall and winter. It’s best to get your flu shot to prevent concomitant flu and COVID:
Good news: virtual elimination of a flu season in the southern hemisphere for 2020https://t.co/epC71OcphR @TheEconomist pic.twitter.com/BtPnERiJRe
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) September 10, 2020
The governor of South Dakota has diverted 5 million dollars from its coronavirus relief fund to create tourism ads for the state. The state is second in the country for new cases per capita.
Partisan bickering has axed a much-needed pandemic relief package. Provisions for school funding, jobless benefits, paycheck protection subsidies, vaccine research and development, and more have evaporated. A much anticipated second round of direct payments to Americans was not even included in the defeated legislation.
Meanwhile, half of households in the four largest US cities are suffering from financial distress:
Households across the US have suffered serious financial and health problems due to #COVID19. A new poll from @NPR, @RWJF and @HarvardChanSPH shows how wide and deep the effects have been. Public health is the route to economic recovery. https://t.co/uwIZhUxYl9
— Dr. Tom Frieden (@DrTomFrieden) September 9, 2020
Here’s a copy of the report on financial impacts to US households.
Transverse myelitis was (purportedly) the adverse event associated with the AstraZenica COVID-19 vaccine trial. Transverse myelitis is an inflammation of the spinal cord which can interfere with central nervous system signaling and even cause paralysis.
Mask makers are struggling to meet production demands because of lack of supplies. There’s not enough of the meltblown material needed to produce the number of n95 masks hospitals currently need. Manufacturers also don’t want to take the risk of investing in the infrastructure to make more if the need is too short-lived to make it worth it. Once again, the Defense Production Act could be used here, and it’s unclear to me why we’re not demanding this as a nation.
Florida is still concealing its numbers:
Coronavirus cases spike among school-age children in Florida, while state orders some counties to keep data hidden https://t.co/zKlIiDhyj3
— Catherine Rampell (@crampell) September 10, 2020
The European resurgence is really concerning:
A notable graph, per capita. Spain has now exceeded the US in new infections/day. France is at the same level. The EU is headed there too.
The difference is that Europe, UK got down to < 10 cases per million people; the US never below 65 since its early surge pic.twitter.com/8RgOIpuGbw— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) September 9, 2020
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