Coronavirus Special Coverage

A collection of news posted throughout the week for those that want signal, not noise.

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COVID-19: key developments for Friday, April 10, 2020

The US continues to lead the world in cases, with over 32,000 added since yesterday.  The US now has more than 500,000 cases. There were nearly 2,000 deaths in 24 hours in the US.

The US Post Office is in dire straits and needs attention:

Drone video of the utilization of mass graves dug by inmates.  The grave site is already in use.

Fauci anticipates US deaths to stop around around 60,000. Is he basing this estimate on sound assumptions, or a model that uses numbers from China? Are we going to base a push to re-open the economy on faulty data? States and counties may decide to continue mitigation measures despite the federal push to return to business as usual. Los Angeles County has extended its Safe at Home orders through the middle of May.

People with positive antibody tests may be given certificates of immunity allowing them to return to work. The serology tests are not yet plentiful enough to be used broadly, but this kind of program is possible in the immediate future.

On the draconian side of state and county policy, Santa Clara County in California asks its residents to report and itemize their personal stashes of protective equipment. County officials say the reported equipment is not mandated to be donated, but they do encourage residents to donate if able. Kentucky to record license plates of people attending mass gatherings this weekend. They will be required to self-quarantine.

Free studies and books on pandemic and contagion topics from Duke University Press.

Plunging tax revenues and elevated costs are causing economic havoc. Cities and states are facing cuts to schools, infrastructure maintenance, and social programs. Layoffs and furloughs of city and state workers could reinforce the economic death spiral.

An Android COVID-19 tracing tool? Apple and Google are creating a contact-tracing tool that will let you know if you have been close to someone who was positive. It uses anonymous identifiers from people’s phones. It doesn’t tell you who the person was or where the exposure happened. The companies say that privacy is paramount—the program is opt-in only. The ACLU is giving the company recommendations for privacy and safety improvement.

Canada is getting COVID benefits to its people within 2 days of application. Application can be done quickly online. In the US, folks have been trying for weeks to even get someone to answer the phone regarding unemployment benefits…

How effective are health apps? Not always so effective. Here’s a logical, visual breakdown of the systems issues that prevent heath apps from being as useful as they should be—and some insight into why reliance on COVID apps may be misplaced:

DHS is going to continue funding pandemic test sites, walking back previous announcements of funding cuts: