Ideas on carrying ID in your bug out bag

I pack and expired US passport in my BOB and also have my driver’s license in my wallet, which I carry in my pocket. I’ve been thinking though that ID is so important, I should add it to my flash drive, which I also carry in my BOB. On the other hand, I don’t want my identity to be stolen. What do you do for ID in your bug out prepping?


  • Comments (9)

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      Having scans of all identification and important documents is something everyone should invest the time and very cheap cost into preparing for.

      These scans can live in paper form in a prepping/bugging out binder, on an encrypted flash drive, in the cloud with a secure provider, or locally on your phone. (if you want any additional info on my recommendations on any of these steps, let me know)

      Having an expired passport in your bug out bag is a genius idea that I hadn’t thought of Jonnie Pekelny. It should pass low security checkpoints because it’s not like you aren’t Jonnie Pekelny anymore just because your passport has expired. You won’t be able to travel internationally, but proving you are who you are to someone at an emergency shelter or other situation, it should be a great form of identification.

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      Good afternoon Jonnie,

      A “best practices” pushed by the outdoor folks of FEMA recommend a photocopy (in color preferably) of an ID card. Placed in a waterproof plastic container like used for “Hello, my name is … ” and glued/attached to inside of brim of hard hat. Add a decent return address label IF it’s a post office box – but avoid home address.

      I strongly recommend to NOT carry an expired passport in BOB. If/when stolen … you’ll be busy with authorities in re it’s fradulent use. Please believe me; the world’s semi-human trash know how to exploit all kinds of US passports.

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        FEMA advice might be useful if you wear a hard hat — or any kind of hat. What about the rest of us?  WRT not carrying an expired passport: I’m already carrying a driver’s license on my person. What’s to lose by also carrying a passport? Unlike the driver’s license it doesn’t have my address.

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        Good evening Jonnie,

        My comments focus toward “industry ‘best practices’”. Hard hats are ideal PPE. Some kind of hat is really required to prevent becoming a casualty.

        A passport is cross-referenced to your application address even if not on display in the document.  There are organizations that can obtain this info just as fast as USG agencies.

        If an expired passport is stolen it will be used for evil purposes.

        “You will find obstacles enough; what does anything I say matter in comparison?” THE CASTLE, Franz Kafka 

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        Bob, clarifying: specifically an ID card only? Like for work? Or a driver’s license? Which of course then has address, etc…This subject has puzzled me too. I know we should have copy of ID, but I’m paranoid about misuse. 

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        Good morning C.R.,

        If representing an organization, eg Fairfax SAR, a NGO, they want you to have their ID card photocopy attached to helmet.

        Since I’m active in much, I just have a color photo of myself at Fort Marcy Park, Northern Virginia Autonomous Oblast. I add an envelope return address name with a post office box.  If there’s an emergency, the LEOs and Responders know how to find out specifics. I NEVER display my dwelling address.

        Foot Note:  Fort Marcy Park is where Vince Foster passed away. The stresses of White House work and trying to prepare the records of Castel Grande and White Water housing finance were just too much and ……

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      I don’t think having your identity being stolen or misused is a huge concern here. Keep your expired or copy of identification in your bag which is safe inside your house. Having your ID stolen out of your bug out bag while inside your house is just as likely as if it was stolen from your desk drawer or in a safe. Nothing really to worry about.

      Now the risk increases as you bug out and you take your bag with you. Leaving your bag with your ID near your camp or in an evacuation center is what you need to worry about, but not really. If you are bugging out, just take your ID out of your bag and place in your pocket on your person. Then if your entire bag gets swiped, you don’t have to worry about identity theft or misuse.

      Same goes with anything valuable or important in your bag. If you had a few gold bullion coins in your bug out bag to act as bartering items, you would put those on your person if needing to separate from your bag right?? I would follow Bill’s advice over in the other topic about getting your bug out bag stolen, and keep your bag on you at all times or within eye shot. But keep valuables on you if needing to separate from the bag.

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        Good suggestions, thanks Bob & Sir Henry!

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      for ID purposes I carry a current driving licence, its universally accepted over here as ID anywhere. I dont have a passport of any sort.