Austere First Aid video course trailer + 50% off preorders are live

Excited to share that we’ve just released the trailer and preorders for the Austere First Aid online video course we’ve been working on the last few months!

Check it out and preorder for only $59. Similar in-person courses cost $300-500 and take 5-7 days. Includes 90+ lessons, 7+ hours of video, downloadable references, and lifetime access with free future versions.

AFA trailer thumb

It’s the only online course of its kind, and there just aren’t many classes anywhere that teach you how to handle medical emergencies when you can’t depend on professional help to save you. 

Is this something you’re interested in? 

Full course will launch later this summer.


  • Comments (24)

    • 6

      Registered and looking forward to the course!

      As a freelance tour guide I have to take a physical first aid course every 2 years but this one looks like a useful addition to it

    • 5

      I have been waiting for months! Preorder right now.

    • 3

      Hi John,

      The new Austere First Aid course looks fantastic!  What’s the deadline to register for the course at the $59 preorder discounted price?


      Mary Elizabeth

      • 2

        Hi Zabeth, I’m replying on behalf of John. So stoked you’re interested in the course! You have at least two weeks to register at a discounted price 🙂

      • 4

        Hi Carlotta Susanna, thanks for letting me know  🙂

    • 3

      Can’t wait! Shared with a friend too, after I signed up. 😄

    • 3

      Anyway to buy this without putting in my address? Your privacy policy looks better than most and says you store it securely but I gave up believing in that when you hear about a new data breach almost weekly…. Not trying to be difficult and I know I will probably have to just do it if I wanna watch but I’m just tired of having to give people everything needed to steal my identity just to get something online, especially when most merchants probably only need the zip for fraud detection. Maybe I can just mail ya a couple oz’s of silver 🙂 Thanks.

      • 3

        Hi Germ Juice, we understand your concerns, but unfortunately you need an account to access the course, and accounts are based on email addresses.

        Maybe you can use something like a Protonmail address that you use just for The Prepared, or something similar?

    • 2

      Signed up. Thanks.

      • 1

        Welcome! I’m curious, what are you looking forward to most? 

      • 3

        Not Jen, but speaking for myself, I’m most looking forward to the field scenarios on how to treat traumatic injuries.


      • 3

        I’m interested in a wide general and usable knowledge base. Treating trauma is something I’m also interested in. 

        Honestly, I used to get serious hebie-jebies talking about pumping arteries and blood and so on. Not so bad now. But I’ve found myself needing to know medical basics on more than one occasion, where other help was not available. So I’ve got my CPR cert and can do some other basics (red cross basic training, plus). It kind of started as a “confront your fears” and grew into being able to help people. 

      • 3

        Thank you for the input! Re: “seeing the field scenarios”… we’ve been debating how to best do those. For example, we don’t want it to be a cheesy thing, since none of the people are actors, many people get uncomfortable even with Halloween blood, etc.

        When you picture field scenarios, how would you describe what does / doesn’t matter to be valuable for you?

        Personally, I think it’s more valuable to see the first-person GoPro camera shot (eg. the camera is mounted on the teacher’s chest or head), so you can see what they’re doing, compared to more of an “acted” scene.

      • 4

        I think the GoPro concept is a good one. There was a good video I was watching on you tube of a TCCC training session. I was super informative covering how to use a tourniquet (which students then drilled on themselves) how to pack a wound for which the prop was a a simple foam packed piece with a section carved out. The most important thing (to me) was seeing where the hands were placed, how they were doing what they were doing and talking through the actions being taken, and why. 

        Much as I love to read, some instructions are incomprehensible to me until I see them done, at a speed conducive to duplication. I can then follow and repeat until I’ve got it. And somethings are simple Simon.  

        The trainer in the TCCC video was packing a “wound” and in doing so explaining, you know, “Pack a wound toward the head with pressure up, because that is where blood is going to flow from” or “If you’re going to apply a TQ you really need to observe what is going on, there’s got to be a reason for it. You’d use one under these circumstances…”

    • 4

      Is there either an accompanying book, or maybe just a recommended book or materials to have on hand that would go with, supplement, or just be a general recommendation? 

    • 2

      Will there be an email sent out when the course is live?

      • 2

        Yes, we will send out an email to those who have purchased the course and make an announcement on the site when the course is live.

    • 3


      Signed up in June and looking forward to the course. Any ideas as to when it will launch? Still this summer? Thanks!

      • 3

        Will launch in a few weeks / early Sept. We’re gathering the feedback from “beta testers” now and doing finishing touches.

      • 1

        You advertised it as coming out in “late summer.”  If you would make an announcement about the delay, it would be reassuring to those of us who prepaid.

      • 2

        Thanks for the feedback Skye. An unexpected death on our side delayed things a few weeks.