
Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the lower airway. It causes a constriction of the lower airway through two actions. It causes swelling and
[See the full post at: Asthma]


  • Comments (3)

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      What is PROP? Is this a placeholder? An acronym?

    • 2

      “When using the inhaler, make sure the patient is spacing it correctly from their mouth; it is not effective to “suck” on the inhaler. The medication needs three to four inches to disperse in the air before being inhaled. The lungs want gas, not liquid, so give the liquid in the inhaler container time to gasify.”

      This is kinda confusing wording. It sounds like you’re telling people to hold the inhaler away from their mouth and try to breath the medicated air. That would only makes sense if they happen to have a spacer attached between the inhaler and their mouth, but that’s not mentioned here.