News for the Week 2024-04-15

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      Prepper Chat Night is this Friday evening, Apr 19, on Discord at 6PM Pacific / 9PM Eastern. Join our Discord now at this link so you’ll be ready when the event starts:


      Prepper Chat Nights are on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month. It’s a (video optional) call where we mostly talk about our recent prepping experiences and lessons.


      Note: The Friday chats aren’t the only reason to join Discord. While the website remains the better place for guides, articles, and experience reports, Discord really shines for conversation or helping someone through an immediate situation. The two work well together, and I use both every day.

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        At yesterday’s chat night we this article on threat modeling and tried sketching our own threat model.


        We started with a handful of threats that we wanted to be well prepared for: hackers, a disgruntled ex, mice…

        Then for each we got specific about how each of them could hurt us. Were we concerned about survival, property, health… preserving the cotton candy in the walls…

        For each combination of threat and asset, we talked about options for protecting that asset from that threat. And occasionally decided that some of those risks could just be accepted without protection.

        = Threats (source of problems) =

        disgruntled ex – newbie hacker
        water heater damage

        = Assets (what could actually go wrong) =

        debit card
        credit card
        identity – name, ssn, address – use to file for unemployment
        access to food/water
        possessions in apartment: carpet, furniture, supplies
        access to shelter
        access to toilet
        immune health
        cotton candy in walls

        = Protection (how to mitigate threats to assets) =

        Say no when purse company asks if ordering purse for someone in Texas.
        Be careful who you piss off.
        Up-to-date contact info
        – gave alert of info used for other state unemployment
        – alerts on any usage of information
        – invasive! credit card company blocked cardno upload to lifelock.
        – but locked out of account
        – and they keep warning via email anyway
        – alternative: credit karma shows what loans you have open
        HomeTitleLock – like LifeLock but for home
        change passwords quarterly
        email account reminds password change every 3 months
        2fa on all financial accounts – any account
        credit card notifies via text on each usage
        stash of pemmican
        fire extinguisher
        plan to bug out and related equipment
        red cross contact info
        car bug out kit
        bug out kit buried in front yard
        BB gun
        sanitize house with BAK benzyle chlorate
        don’t play in flood water
        flood evac plan to higher elevation
        flood pan
        water sensor in water heater flood pan
        maintenance/plumber contact info
        shop vac
        fans to dehumidify