Intro article for types of injections
Good morning,
Above link is a good intro to injections. Ideal for some preppers to have some familiarity.
Ref para 1; They’re also known as “jabs” – at least in Hong Kong and UK. A non-health care person can also administer vaccines in some circumstances. It’s been done before. Don’t do any of this self-help stuff without getting some actual in person training with the required education involved in your particular situation.
Not too sure which is which – auto versus jet – but the spring-leaded stringes are great when out in the thorns, sticks or elsewhere out of reach of an ALS – Advanced Life Support – clinic (ie more than Boy Scout/Girl Scout, CERT care.
Some big city fire departments, besides their EMTs, EMT-Ps and Para folks teach “intersseod” (spelling – the bone marrow delivery type). Personally speaking, I’d trust them no less so than what passes for physicians nowadays.
Didn’t know that root canals were “complex” dental procedures. For some years in retirement, I’ve been doing volunteer work with dentists and perhaps it’s a calibration matter. The dentists I have breakfast with when out in the field, don’t refer to root canals as “complex”. Perhaps with dangerous pain involving prevention of shock/loss of vital sign(s), it’s deemed “complex”.
If considering self-administering anything with a string, do get some formal, in person training and education.
The Army used to issue 3 (memory fading) auto-inject stringes along with gas mask in case of nuclear war of some sort.
Again, I consider link to be a good intro article for preppers.
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