On Twitter, you can follow @leashless, who is one of the most thoughtful Cassandras we have. https://twitter.com/leashless/status/1244473926190759938 His work on pandemic preparation can be found at http://resiliencemaps.org/
Make a plan for what happens if any one, two, three … N of your employees can’t work at the same time, for every permutation of N staff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factor https://www.enterprisesg.gov.sg/-/media/esg/files/media-centre/media-releases/2020/jan-2020/guide-on-business-continuity-planning-for-wuhan-coronavirus.pdf https://www.iso.org/standard/75106.html
I logged most of my research findings and sources at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z1kFRRAhHFcJIPngnofEF8y6ldHeiwXG_azjEbJXuI4 Ethyl or isopropyl alcohol: 30 seconds contact time. Probably true for soapy water too. How to prevent drips? Wipe with a damp cloth, but not too damp.
In a severe disruption scenario, where the healthcare system is overwhelmed, home care is Plan B. This page already talks about isolation. Thinking ahead, would it make sense to prep for pneumonia treatment specifically? It might be possible to pick up an oxygen concentrator and an APAP machine to roughly match what a hospital might do.