You can try to get a rooster from more gentle breeds, but be aware that is no guarantee. Have had several Buff Orpington roosters over the years and one of them was a very aggressive jerk. He was quite tasty, though 😋! I keep a pair of goggles to wear while handling a mean rooster, and when attacked I grab him and put him on his back, careful not to harm him. In less than a minute he settles down and then I put him back on his feet. Seems to make him kind of groggy, but it does him no harm. Expect to replace him this year. For folks who can’t free range, you might want to look into portable cages called “chicken tractors.” Very good for protection against flying predators. I also use an electric mesh fence for keeping out other predators, like dogs and bears.
I would think that the high inflation we are experiencing now (2024) would provide a good backdrop for discussions on prepping, couched in terms of how to save money by… learning to bake bread raising a garden or chickens to save money on food stocking up on necessities before their costs get even higher etc. Also, don’t assume that because someone is a friend or even a relative, that they are “safe.” Really get to know someone and their character, before you let your guard down. Voice of experience here 😒.