Good ? If you are bugging out of town because it is getting bad you won’t be alone. No one will know the good guys from the bad one. Approaching any home will be a big deal. Once you see what folks have you could become a risk keep that in mind. Keeping to back roads would be a better plan than going cross country trespassing . It would be better to meet locals out on the road than going to their home uninvited. As for barter just offer what you have and ask if they have what you want to trade. Now it will be better to travel with others. If you meet folks out on the road one of you can hide and over watch .
I live near Richmond VA these conflicts or riots as we call them has caused alot of damage. The virus had shut down most business now the riots are doing damage to buildings that owners will have a hard time paying for repair since they are not making money. It also in my case at least has changed my travel routes to and from work. I stay out of the city as much as possible why walk into a riot ? The odd thing is how long it has been going on. In past riots and Richmond had it’s share it was a night or few and it was over. This time city government seems to be not only allowing it but encouraging it.