‘Ten Acres Enough’ – A book on self sufficiency

I was just recently recalling this book, which was much touted in Small Farmer’s Journal a few decades ago.  The full title is Ten Acres Enough, A Practical Experience Showing How A Very Small Farm May Be Made To Keep A Very Large Family.

It was published in 1866.

I found the book for free on Google Books.  It’s also been reprinted in this century.  I used to have a copy of it.  All I can remember of the book is how exceedingly intense the work seemed to be, but it was quite a slice of reality.

I thought it might be interesting reading for those striving to become self sufficient.

Just go to Google Books and enter Ten Acres Enough to read it for free. I’m going back for a read with much older and wiser eyes.


  • Comments (4)

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      Good morning Dogpatch,

      This is both an interesting and most important subject for me. Just about all of my life has been the goal of self-sufficiency.

      Can’t discuss a 10 acre farm during Reconstruction after the Civil War without knowing the location. The northern farms thrived – especially dairy farms. Those in the former Confederate states were kept poor – at least until the start of preparations for WW II.

      As for what a private citizen can do, we’re self-sufficient. In the overall picture of things … nothing else counts … can’t be. The restrictions combined to the astronomical costs of needed pharma makes us manor serfs to the castle owner.

      Just check out the somewhat new poisonous snake vaccine – the pharma not requiring refrigeration. Then check it’s costs in other places like Mexico and some of the Asian countries. This magnifies the situation as to why not self-sufficient. Once pre-hurricane winds – about gale force (40mph+) uproot some trees, the snakes are forced to seek new dwellings.

      An evac is dangerous and ALS clinics usually do not treat snake bites…. presuming even one of these makeshif clinics is accessable. The small rural hospital here won’t be.  The roads will already have been flooded to prevent passage.

      That book sounds interesting ! Thanks for this info especially the cost. 

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      500 books on the same subject here >>>

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        That’s a very interesting library!

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