Simplified Disaster Preparedness


Good morning,

It’s hurricane prep time in this area “Hurricane Alley” corridor. 

Above article is most appropriate for us at TP Forum because document tells of preparedness “Step One” is to be rested. Repeat: REST, BE RESTED.

Article tells of a good preparedness acronym: “SIMPLE”.

This article is definitely “on target” !


  • Comments (3)

    • 3

      Thanks Bob.  What a great article!    Before she got into discussing SIMPLE, I was attracted to this statement she made:

      Really what it comes down to is tiny steps that we take today that can make a huge difference for tomorrow.

      This should be every prepper’s mantra.  I guess it hit home to me because one of my concerns of my posting here, as that I’m afraid some may think what I do & have is just too much for a “normal” person to do… so why even try?  Point is, everything I have & everything I’ve learned came from tiny steps taken over a long time.  I’m not rich & didn’t get everything all at once.  I sacrificed in some areas so as to be able to afford the gear that I currently own. 

      I did it with many, many tiny steps over many, many years.  Everyone else can too… plus much more.

      • 3

        Thanks, Redneck,

        Proper preparedness is indeed a small step and long timeline program.

    • 3

      nice article. we all need to rest more often, our society is too fast and busy. take a minute to smell the flowers, not just pick them and sell them to the highest bidder