BBC preppers going mainstream article


Good morning,

The BBC, with global coverage, has the above article about preppers going mainstream.

Article has a picture of some prepper gear and stuff.  I like that textile item displayed on the wall.  Hope it’s not used for a tarp.

Article mentions the premier US preparedness website.

Thank you John !!!

~ Bob


  • Comments (1)

    • 5

      Thank you for sharing this article Bob! I hope that preppers are not seen as crazy conspiracy theorists anymore and that everyone being a bit more prepared becomes the norm. 

      Just 100-200 years ago, everyone was a prepper. You couldn’t get things delivered to your door the next day, or drive to the store and get absolutely anything you want. Everyone had to have multiple days-weeks worth of food, be able to repair and fix things, and more. I wish I could go back in time and spend a year there and learn things that were common place that are now forgotten or so foreign.