(Official discussion) Bug in vs. bug out

[See the full post at: Bug in vs. bug out: Why your home is always the default choice]

  • Comments (5)

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      I’m so glad this article exists. I can’t believe how many times people say “I’m bugging in” or “I’m going to bug out”. 

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        My default plan will be to bug in because of all the great points made in this article like that’s where I’m familiar with and thats where my resources are located, but I am going to be smart and not dig in my heals if the danger is high and I do need to bug out. So I’m not in that camp of “Oh, I’m 100% going to bug in no matter what.”

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        flexibility is the key.  Usually staying put is the best choice, but not always.  Sometimes leaving is th best option, as when there is an approaching wildfire (personal experience).

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      With the high possibility of global nuclear warm looming, bugging out at least for a few days or weeks is the best choice. If your in a major city which could be targeted, military analysts state that with a high yield warhead, we need to be at least 40-50km’s away from the center of the city.

      Of course, depending on wind direction will determine how long one needs to stay away from local civilization, and depending if there would even be anything safe and in tact before returning?

      Likely, with a high yield strike, the city and surrounding area would be a wasteland and choosing to remain a few miles from the city would be the best choice for starting over! We live in Calgary, Alberta and aside from general anarchy, grid down and financial collapse, we are more concerned with a direct or nearby nuclear attack for bugging out to a small town where we have family.  Any other type of doomsday scenario would need to be monitored day by day according to the degree of developing risk and danger. Priority is to have sufficient gear, supplies, weapons/ammo, and above all else….physical and mental training!!!

      Phil Edwards.

      Retired Captain, Canadian Forces.

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      Bugging in is definitely preferable, if it’s safe to do so.  What you can stockpile vastly exceeds what you can carry, and in terms of threats from others, a prepared defense is usually vastly preferable to a movement to contact.

      The other problem I have with bugging out is doing so without a destination and a plan.  I currently have a general idea of a direction and distance, nothing more, for two categories of scenarios:  Is a near/medium term return home plausible, or not?