News for the week of 2024-07-15

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      Live threat modeling exercise this Friday evening, July 19, on Discord at 6PM Pacific / 9PM Eastern. This is a good way to think about what we’re preparing for and ensure we’re addressing the most important issues. Learn more about the technique from this article.


      Join our Discord now at this link so you’ll be ready when the event starts:


      Prepper Chat Nights are on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month. Recently we’ve been using these chats to practice threat modeling. Drop by if you’d like to try it.

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        Tonight’s threat modeling exercise was about civil unrest.

        = Threats =

        Protest/demonstration in public area

        Arson of nearby building

        Stray bullets

        Mob attack houses

        Attacks targeting mask wearers

        = Assets =



        Home (near target target area)


        Mental health

        = Protections =

        Stay away from protest

        Evacuate if protest next door

        Home hardening

          Big screws in kick plate

          Stronger doors

        Barricading doors

        Boarding up windows

        Home insurance or renter’s insurance

        Routine awareness of cover and exits

        Keep pets with you

        Pet friendly evac plan


        Learn about mental first aid

        Food you like in eval bag

        Go to friend’s house – shelter and comfort

        Plan for fire: Evacuate fast with dog and call fire dept

        Fire extinguisher handy – extra large for clearing path

        Hardening yard or outside of house against fire

        Clarify household roles – fire extinguisher, grabbing dog, grabbing bags

        Pet training – evac drills

        Practice emergency plans

        Well stocked emergency kit

        Create safe room – Assuming 556 bullets – how to economically block them

        Harden outer wall against bullets

        Bring pets in safe room

        Train pets to go to safe room for bullet noises

        Moderation in bullet preps – stressful

        Security cameras that respect privacy

        Avoid anyone who seems hostile