Be aware of infectious disease outbreaks near you with this free map tracker

Wanted to link a resource I was recently introduced to that lets you track health including: animal diseases, environmental disasters, hospital acquired infections, vectorborne diseases, STDs, respiratory infections etc across the world. You can narrow it down to your local area and see what is in your region that you can think about preparing for.



  • Comments (2)

    • 3

      Great resource, thank you for sharing it with us all. Something I like is that you can set up email alerts to things you are concerned about.

      Hope you don’t mind me expanding the title of this post to be a bit more descriptive.

    • 1

      Another good map to look at is FEMA’s risk index. You can look at your county and see which disasters it is prone to and what risks you will face.

      FEMA map

      risk 1

      risk 2