FEMA link with loads of available prepper material


Good afternoon,

Spend some time surfing around the above “be-informed” link.

Note the linked Hazard Information sheets eg Flood, Nuclear Explosion.

Note the Family Emergency Communication Plan.

Note  the  Alerts and Warnings.

You can order their no-cost pubs by working the included link.  Haven’t looked at the pub site for some time but this is where you’ll find the studies eg “Hurricane Ike”, “Hurricane Sandy”.


  • Comments (2)

    • 4

      Good evening Bob,

      Thank you for the be informed link. There is lots of great information contained therein.

      Awesome resource and thank you for posting it.

      Every prepper should have this as part of their resource material.

    • 3

      Ready.gov is a great resource! While I like the prepared articles better because they link to certain items and information is pulled from various sources, ready.gov is still valuable and has some nicely presented information. 

      I recommend it as an additional resource to people just getting into prepping and disaster prevention because that’s the targeting audience.