Domestic Intel Gathering (early warning)
Intelligence Gathering
The preppers home in normal times as well as during a crisis needs to help you obtain vital intelligence on events going on in the outside world, you should consider fitting a new wide band high gain TV aerial to access analogue and digital TV stations (even foreign ones). If you have a satellite system then consider a satellite tracking system that allows you to access other satellite broadcasters. And of course last but never least an AM/FM/LW Radio aerial to greatly boost your reception of distant radio stations. Some people also have Citizens band / PMR and Amateur radio systems set up at home as an extra communications system. Try if possible to conceal as best you can any antenna you use.
And whilst it lasts a good fibre optic broadband internet service can be very handy in finding out what going on with relying on state controlled or politically biased mainstream media services. Subscriptions to digital news sources oten get breaking new out quicker and cover issues in greater depth than the MSM. During times of raised concern its wiser to not listen to music radio and switch to news broadcasts. Forewarned is forearmed as they say.
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