Ukraine intel. Russia has just started to draft 140,000 Civilians into forces CNN


  • Comments (12)

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      I was reading about that this morning.

      Russia drafts 134,500 conscripts but says they won’t go to Ukraine – Reuters

      The Reuters article says that those involved in this draft will not be sent to any “hot spots”. Although, Russia seems to often say one thing and actually do the opposite. And with war, all bets are off.

      From my understanding though Russia does this every Spring and Fall of every year and are not drafting any more men than usual this Spring because of the war. I think the media is kind of scare tactic-ing people into thinking Putin is ramping up and forcing more soldiers to fight. 

      Just my thoughts. Take it with a grain of salt and know that Robert knows nothing about running a military.

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        “From my understanding though Russia does this every Spring and Fall of every year and are not drafting any more men than usual this Spring because of the war.”

        According to this article, 400k per year is typical, so 135k in one draft season sounds normal as well. So we should completely ignore the draft itself.


        The more interesting part about this “news”…. Why is a completely irrelevant bit of information so widely and dramatically reported? What are these news articles trying to convince us of?

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        ” Why is a completely irrelevant bit of information so widely and dramatically reported? What are these news articles trying to convince us of?”

        Every single person seeing that headline who is not already familiar with Russia’s twice annual normal draft (which is pretty much everyone I suppose) will instantly think that they are gearing up and things are going to get worse. The news sometimes is just silly and likes to get people riled up about things. 

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      Now according to a US news source basically the entire Polish army has now deployed to the Russian / Belorus border, 140,000 troop plus other NATO troops


      Putin has threaten to turn off the Oil and Gas to Westen Europe tonight if they dont pay in rubles.

      I’m not trying to be political but former President Trump of the US did warn the EU more than once that it was stupid to rely on Russian oil and gas.

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        Source for Trump’s warning in 2018:


        And yes, making critical infrastructure reliant on constant resupply by an adversary… wow. Would love to know what people were thinking when making that decision.

        Despite that, NATO seems to be handling this situation well now. And hopefully that lesson has been learned.

    • 3

      Second part of a very large British armoured battle group has been deployed to the Baltic States.

      Guys pick up on this FUEL is likely to become VERY expensive and hard to find pretty soon.

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        I hope that yourself and all my fellow friends there in the EU stay safe are are able to afford the necessities of life, like fuel. It is likely to only raise in price here pretty soon. 

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      Germany and France still buying millions of Euros of Russian oil and gas every day, thus indirectly funding Putins wars in Ukraine.

      A Russian oil refiney is on fire, Russia saying Ukranian helicopters attacked it, Russia  probably will use this as an excuse to expand its war efforts.

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        Is it from today or tomorrow that Russia has demanded oil and gas be purchased in Rubles? You have to hand it to Putin it’s a master stroke to keep his economy afloat.

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        Midnight last night London time I believe.  Media over here thinks France and Germany may surrender to putins demands as they are very reliant on Russian gas supplies. Uk in typical bloody minded attitude told Putin to sod off 🙂 though the UK is not really affected the way much of Europe is.

        Europe et al is getting a painful and salutary lesson in the need to be energy and food self sufficient.

        Eggs may become much more expensive in the UK or even unavailable as the crisis means many Chicken farms are closing down.

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      UK energy prices rose today by 54%   we are hurting, as Local taxes, National insurance etc have also gone up.  Roughly UK is $4000 a year worse off from today in some cases.

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        I’m sorry for all those suffering fallout