A bicycle helmet or hard hat is a really good emergency supply
I took the suggestion of buying an industrial sized salad spinner. I got a large one new that cost slightly over $100 and needs to be braced but it does the job
I struggled with water storage and finally came to the conclusion that I needed to treat it like a deep pantry since, in general, water needs to be rotated every 6 months. In the past my solution was to stock up and put my water in a remote corner where I don’t have to think about it and then — oh whoops, my stored water is now several years old and what would have happened if there had been an emergency? An actively used supply with some depth is now my preference. For that reason, I think that a water dispenser and bottles is a great solution as long as you keep rotating so that no one bottle sticks around for more than six months. It is also easy to build your store on a budget by simply ordering an extra bottle or two periodically until your reserve is the size that you want it to be.