Yeah, that’s now the plan. Slapping it together in the end with a nb20000 powerbank. First I wanted to get the 10k variant, but then I read online that I can run my tablet for work off a powerbank (20k variant is 45 wat and the 10k is 18 wat out) so when I’m 1.5 month travelling around in Thailand I can still work 2 days a week incase I run into a place without power. So the funny thing is (about the bug out bag), I was unaware that this was forum for prepping for survival. Initially I thought it was just prepping for hiking haha (it’s interesting to read the thoughts/methods behind it though!). And yeah I can imagine strapping 600g (and quite big volume) of solarpanel + 10/20k 200 ish grams powerbank in a small bag is not optimal considering the other stuff also needed. If I may ask, is there a reason why the bug out bag is so limited in space/weight? In my eyes (mind you no experience at all, just hiking/mountaineering) if shit hits the fan having a slightly larger/more weighty bag would be preferred over the small speed/endurance penalty. (Within limits though, at one point it becomes too luxurious/unneccesary) cheers