The first of all Dr. Erickson is a practicing physician who runs his own urgent care clinic. It’s a public record, period. He might be right or wrong, but his is entitled to his own opinion. If his opinion does not coincide with what we hear on the news or media it does not mean that this video can be removed from YouTube after it had over 5 million views in just two days! What kind of society do we live in? Are we supposed to believe everything we are told by our state officials and never question anything? I am not trying to argue about anything, but just for the record – the author of this article is an Artificial intelligence Engineer. What does his professional background have to do with medical field, in general, let alone more specific fields relating to COVID-19 research? Why does this person think that this is appropriate for him to be a “ subject matter expert” and give his comments whether this doctor’s findings have errors or they are garbage in general? I am just amazed by some of your comments appreciating his “corrective”. If you need a professional opinion make sure you know whom you talk to and check academic credentials or the “expert”.