Correct –
Appreciate that Mark Levin has weighed in on the tyrannical measures by YouTube. They let myriads of lies, falsehoods and sordid garbage proliferate but take down a rational presentation by two physicians who have concerns, not only with covid, but the impact the closures are having on the overall health of the populace.
They said that in the video if you were listening.
It is not possible to conduct true scientific studies without a controlled population – and where are you going to find that with the wide variation of populations, environments, etc, around the world – let alone with no stratification for age, gender, pre-existing conditions, medications, etc. etc.
They were basing on their numbers – they are not doing ‘research’ – they were presenting their data. Furthermore, the numbers that come out of the CDC are bogus. Providers are being forced to code cases as Covid when it is not the primary cause – so all the data is flawed.
Why is it just because you do not agree with these doctors that you insult their intelligence and make a snide remarks about their lack of math skills? You really have no idea what courses they have taken in undergrad and graduate school or in their fellowships. You don’t get to their career level by being dumb. Quit making assumptions.
He is a doctor of Osteopathy and can practice just as an MD
That has been removed as well – I downloaded a copy of the video. Sad day in America when we have to quickly make a copy of truth before the tyrannical media removes it.
It’s down again
Dr. Erickson’s presentation is NOT dangerously wrong…There is a lot of good, solid information presented by two highly trained medically trained experts. These two men are not 3rd graders who got their information from comic books. Their concern about the numbers not warranting the continued shut down, especially in areas with small populations and low numbers are absolutely correct. Even in the bigger cities, it seems perfectly OK to keep open the big box stores such as Walmart, Target, Lowes, Home Depot, Costco, BJs and the like, but the government seems to think that smaller mom and pop store owners are too stupid to maintain social distancing. Every day there is new and different information posted on this virus, and the CDC requirement for coding covid sent out to physicians is misleading the data. For example, if someone with terminal, endstage cancer comes to hospice for end of life care, and tests positive for covid, even if they don’t have covid symptoms, and dies (from their cancer) they are still coded as a covid death. If you want to talk about misleading and inaccurate data, Fauci, a friend of Bill Gates who is touting a mandated-certification of vaccination for this for everyone in the entire planet, was so far off in his fear-mongering predictions it would be laughable if the effects were not so devastating to the rest of the United States with job losses, business closures, threats to our food supply and the inability to get needed non-emergent medical care. Furthermore, they were spot-on with the increase in suicides, depression, anger. Our fundamental freedoms have been ripped away – a man and his daughter were tossing a ball in a park and were arrested, people sitting in their cars in a church parking lot were given $500 tickets, and worse – the governor in Michigan came out and limited the number of people in a car, even if they are from the same family! this is tyranny! Speaking of Gates, he and his ilk have been pushing ID 2020 to give everyone in the world a digital identity…..I don’t want a dang digital identity! Furthermore, Microsoft (Gates) has been obtaining a number of concerning patents. The one issued in March of this year is for societal tracking using cryptocurrency via blockchain. Additionally, more and more information has shown that this virus did indeed come from the Wuhan virology lab and it was modified….what has yet to be proven is whether this was an intentional leak, or due to someone’s carelessness. Either way, China did indeed cover and the doctor who first exposed is dead…more than likely at the hands of the CCP. Japan, a small isolated island, very densely populated in places, only went into a two-week lockdown. Their percentages per population are much less. Of course, we have the liberal cities of NY and LA, with high homeless populations – allowing defecation in the streets is detrimental to health. It angers me that YouTube, FB, and the like have seen fit to demonize these physicians who presented their own data and made reasonable extrapolations for their population. Media mongers are so fearful of the truth that they took their videos down – but not before many people made copies. It is a sad day in America when you see obvious lies, and worse being allowed to stay. WO 2020 060606 –