If you decide to shelter in during a major catastrophe then the best way to defend your house is to make use of the fatal funnel. The downside to sheltering in place in your house in an urban environment is that you could easily be burned out by an opposing group or person. Have a plan to evacuate to a remote less populated area if you can, watch current events and try to get ahead of the stampede and panic. If you have a scanner listen to open police and fire channels and 2m and 40cm ham channels to get a heads up. Below is a link to what a fatal funnel is and how to use it to your tactical advantage. In the mean time get in as much training as you can afford. https://www.modernsurvival.org/what-you-should-know-about-fatal-funnels/#:~:text=A%20%E2%80%9Cfatal%20funnel%E2%80%9D%20is%20a%20term%20often%20used,through%20a%20doorway%20is%20considered%20a%20fatal%20funnel. Dave
Has anyone packed Weber Lighter Cubes (24-Pack) in their bugout bags. They are $5.49 a pack. They are sealed and start with just a lighter. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Weber-Lighter-Cubes-24-Pack-7417/202843410