Hey, can you do me a favor, and give me your take on the EMP Shield (www.empshield.com). I had one given to me for a 2016 Ford F-350, the 12V system one. Their website says it’s beyond military grade and tested in Keystone Laboratories and suited for ALL the different types of EMP surges…special new technology. My wife thinks it’s legit. I’m skeptical because (1) how can we know whether it works until it’s too late, and (2) as mentioned here, after an EMP attack we’ll have so many other problems that a working vehicle will be less useful than a good mountain bike and a good pair of legs…especially once the roadways are impassable and/or your tank goes empty. Not to mention, if you’re the only guy with a working vehicle, there’ll be plenty of nut jobs out there ready to steal it or kill for it…and even a bunch who’d just destroy it because it isn’t theirs. But seriously, how legit is this company and their technology?