Mortality rate is death/ cases (past and present) Immunological studies are better at this, because even if you are no longer sick, they show you had the disease in the past. Immunological studies are like surveys, they try to randomly sample a population, and test who has had an infection in the past, and extrapolate it to the population as a whole. This is the standard used for decades to calculate the morality rate from the seasonal flu. Many recent immunological studies from Europe and The US have concluded that the numbers infected from Covid 19 are exponentially higher than previously believed, and they conclude that the mortality rate is exponentially lower than previously calculated. They recently did widespread testing in US prisons, and it confirmed this, a huge percentage of the prison population has already had this disease, but minimal hospitalizations, most were asymptomatic, very low mortality rate. Sweden did not shut down their economy or shelter in place, and Sweden left their schools open. What do their numbers show? Sweden had 2355 deaths from Covid 19, as opposed to the average of 1541 deaths from the seasonal flu yearly (CDC/WHO data). Canada announced yesterday that the province of Quebec is opening schools and daycares shortly based on this type of data coming in. The data is coming in shows the median age of those dying from this disease varies from country to country, but it’s around 80 years old. 98% of those who die from this disease have multiple medical conditions. Data varies, but about half of all deaths occur in nursing homes and long term care facilities. My main point is that the data being published seems to show a much lower mortality rate, and that’s good news. No one is accusing Sweden (or Quebec) of making a huge mistake on this, it seems worse than the flu, but not that much worse. Sweden didn’t shut down their economy or schools, and many countries that did lock downs have way worse numbers. Sweden protected and locked down those at risk, not their entire population.