News of the Week 2024-12-30

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      Prep Goals for 2025

      This Friday evening, Jan 3, on Discord at 6PM Pacific / 9PM Eastern, we’ll talk about our prepping goals for the year. 

      Join our Discord now at this link so you’ll be ready when the event starts:


      No prior knowledge is required – anyone is free to join us, share their thoughts about next steps in prepping, and maybe pick up some new ideas. Here are some optional materials you can review in advance.


      Prepper Chat Nights are on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month. 

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      The craziest thing you never thought you’d need for prepping?

      This Friday evening, Jan 17, on Discord at 6PM Pacific / 9PM Eastern, we’ll talk about our prepping surprises. When were you most surprised by what turned out to be important for prepping? This is both a conversation starter and an opportunity to review what we’ve learned since we started prepping.

      Join our Discord now at this link so you’ll be ready when the event starts:


      No prior knowledge is required – anyone is free to join us, share their thoughts about they’ve learned in prepping, and maybe pick up some new ideas. Here are some optional materials you can review in advance.


      Prepper Chat Nights are on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month.

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      I know there was a recent topic posted about fish antibiotics. I thought that you had to have an RX to purchase the fish antibiotics now, does anyone have any definitive information on that topic?

      Also, because I have seen this question repeatedly in some online groups I belong to, I wanted to share some places that people can get antibiotics and other useful medications.

      1.  Jase medical is online. You can get antibiotics and other medications sent to your home for emergency use. (Epi pens, Zofran, invermectin, fluconazole).  They provide an educational book describing when to take what medication and how much.  In addition, you can get a YEAR supply of other routine medications including thyroid meds, heat and blood pressure meds, depression meds, etc….You may also be able to use your HSA/flex spending money.

      2. Alldaychemist.com is online pharmacy through India. They offer antibiotics, invermectin, some cox-2 pain meds like celebrex, and many other meds. The website requests an RX but this is NOT needed and you skip that section. This is a reputable company and I have personally used them. It does take about 30 days to get the meds all the way from India though. But their prices are dirt cheap. Meds are solid and my family has used several of them.

      i know there is at least one other company that functions similar to Jade medical here in the states and have heard of another pharmacy out of Mexico that provides medication utilizing a MD here in the states. 

      Where are you all getting you emergency meds and routine meds from to prepare for supply chain (or other) issues?