News for the week of 2024-06-17

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      Live threat modeling exercise this Friday evening, June 21, on Discord at 6PM Pacific / 9PM Eastern. This is a good way to think about what we’re preparing for and ensure we’re addressing the most important issues. Learn more about the technique from this article.


      Join our Discord now at this link so you’ll be ready when the event starts:


      Prepper Chat Nights are on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month. Recently we’ve been using these chats to practice threat modeling. Drop by if you’d like to try it.

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        At today’s chat night we threat modeled a heat dome.

        = threats =

        *Heat dome*

        Hot in daytime

        Hot at night

        Lasts 30 days

        Power outage

        Water outage

        Road damage


        Medical care rationing

        Stuck in traffic

        = assets =

        Health – heat stroke

        Health – adequate sleep

        Health – burns




        Food in refrigerator

        Fresh air

        Access to news and emergency alerts

        = protections/solutions =

        Stay indoors

        Errands before 10am

        Work hours start earlier

        Cooling vest – buy or DIY

        Lots of water

        Drink frequently

        Water storage – enough for drinking, cooking, handwashing, cooling off, nozzle for washing

        Frozen water bottles

        Soakable bandanas – see deals/sales

        Sniper veil

        Plan: get overheated person out of sun, ice, freeze packs

        Ice machine


        Plan for burn: cool sterile water, call 911 for advice, if skin broken then bandages

        Index card with severe heat plans

        Clean computer dust on inside  for better airflow

        Equipment in cooler – with freeze pack, covered in ziplock to stay dry

        Cooling bandana for insulin or other heat intolerant medications

        Pet booties

        Pet walking early morning late evening

        Ice for fluffy dogs

        (Shaving dog might be bad – depends on breed)

        Keep fridge closed until power restored

        Run A/C if you can

        Sleep on wet sniper veil

        Sleep in daytime

        Fans – esp rechargeable

        Lay on cement – cooler than air

        Keep pets in room with you – keep eye on them

        Cover windows – white sheets, infrared film, cardboard, aluminum

        Air seal house – esp big holes

        Mist spray

        Backup power supply – batteries, solar, car hook to house

        Go in car for A/C access

        Reflective window insert for car

        Hang poncho over car for insulation

        Car window tint

        Heat blocking window film for house – $25 for 25×1.5 sheet

        Crank generator

        Solar panel

        Hand sanitizer

        Alternate routes

        Elastomeric respirator – high flow

        Air filter

        Evacuation plan: bring ice water in cooler

        Medication in go bag

        Medication-specific cooler – small insulated mudpack case ~$14

        Train pets for evacuation process – drills

        Goggles or full face respirator for smoke

        First aid training

        First aid kit – includes burn gel, bandages, sniper veil, water

        Medication stockpile

        Crank radio

        Radio scanner

        How to get alerts for phone without internet?

        Pet first aid training – American Red Cross – 35 minute online course

        Keep fuel tank full

        Sun screen

        Car emergency kit – First aid kit, water, sun barrier, sunscreen, caffeine pills, energy shots, snacks, collapsible pet bowl

        Routine car maintenance

        Doggie go bag – water, food

        Dog cooling vest

        Mini cr box in car