N95/NIOSH mask sizing for women?

Hello all, having a bit of trouble finding small/women’s sizing for N95/NIOSH masks and was wondering if anyone could point me towards the right product? Currently sitting on a couple of boxes of 3M 8210 masks, which fit me (male), but which don’t fit my wife (e.g. she can still smell odor through it). Did some searching on the website and Google, but haven’t found anything concrete, mostly KN95s in pastel colors. Unfortunately, half-face/full-face respirators won’t fit the bill for this particular need, as she can’t wear them at her work (school). Thanks!


  • Comments (6)

    • 4

      I am definitely not an expert here and haven’t tried them myself, but I think that the 3M 8110s are supposed to be smaller in size. Perhaps those would work better? 

      • 2

        Yes, I’ve looked at those, but unfortunately they’re allocated to frontline workers

    • 4

      The 3M VFlex 9105S is listed as a small sized N95 mask that might work for your wife. Maybe you could contact 3M and ask for them to send you out a single mask to make sure it fits her properly. Where as 3M has your 8210 masks listed as a standard size, so this should fit her better if she is a smaller person.

      • 2

        Thanks, I’ll look into this!

    • 3

      I found that adding a hook in the back to draw the ear loops together helped them fit my small head much better.  They ride up near my eyes but it does seal.  Some like these came with a mask and I really like them.  They stay attached on one side and mask is still easy to get on/off.  

      • 1
