Dr. Knut Wittkowski headed the Department Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Design at Rockefeller University in New York for 20 years. He is basically saying the same thing as doctors Erickson and Katz. In fact, he says the lockdowns in North America and Europe were, for the most part, too late in controlling the spread of the disease, therefore, they are not effective. As well, any lockdowns that took place in time are only going to promote a second wave of the virus. He uses data that is up to date. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.28.20036715v4?versioned=true It’s time our so-called leaders start getting second opinions from experts other than those from the WHO.
Well then Dr. David Katz is an epidemiologist and he said the exact same thing. Look him up.