These are great tips, thanks! I admin my local swap Facebook group, but the pickings are slim lol. In my area of Canada, we don’t have 98c water jugs, but I can certainly keep an eye out for free bottled water at community events! I hadn’t thought of getting free water at places before.
Thanks! I’m on the highest available doseage of my medication, so asking for more isn’t possible, which is the issue I’m having. For the water, would storing it in used orange juice jugs be ok? I know that milk jugs are not good. I do have some knowledge on things like gardening, sewing, canning, homesteading things, I’m just not physically able to do them any more. Hopefully living libraries will be seen as useful in the future. 😉
This is a most excellent guide, but I fail on step 1. I’m disabled, on disability. I will never, ever be able to have a solid financial foundation, unless someone randomly sends me money to do so. Yes, I know how to budget well, but we do not receive enough to have a repaired home, pay basic utilities, and eat. We use the food bank. Same with my health. I will never be healthy enough to be able to survive a shtf situation. I can get exactly 30 days of my medication, when I’ve taken my last pill, at a time. I’ve asked. I cannot get a single extra pill to stock pile. Do you have tips for people well below the poverty line to prep? Do we bother? Do we just accept that we aren’t cut out for surviving, and that even a 2 week disruption could mean our demise? Is this something that I should just plain not worry myself with?