Thinking about that… You know, I wonder how many people think of World War 2 as a globe-embracing world shattering event, as it must have been. It’s just a kind of romantic bit of history long ago, to most people. An opportunity for movies lol. But in reality an entire 3 percent of the whole world died (source: ) – pretty shocking.
Kind of looks a bit like! Interesting!
I keep a bunch of supplies and tools in my trunk – pays off often! I’m always ready to help someone fix something!
I second that. I’ve found this place very friendly, active and helpful!
I like the survey idea 🙂 I feel like prepping is WAY more mainstream and accepted these days. I think the “big C” event helped that… I remember seeing “how to survive the apocalypse” magazines show up right in the front of the grocery store… lol
That’s really good advice to try the protein out first. I’ve tried some protein that made my stomach not so happy haha. I guess I need to rethink whether I store protein powder or not now that I’ve read these replies. I was thinking I might stock up on the “Puori” brand stuff I found looking for the purest I could find, but now I’m not so sure. (Edit: oops, here’s the link to that I found.) I’m totally in agreement with you about the crazy stuff that gets into protein powders – lead and pesticide residue and stuff. And those plant based “meat” products are absolutely terrible, I’m not surprised you had trouble. Who knows what kind of weird stuff is in there to make it simulate meat. Like, look at all this garbage – Nobody’s body is gonna handle that well.
You bring up some really good points. I hadn’t thought of a lot of that. That’s kind of mindblowing that plain old rice, a carb source no less, has more protein per dollar than protein powder. I guess my only issue with beans and rice are that they might not have all the essential amino acids that dairy (whey protein) would have. See here: Still, your post is pretty convincing! I will have to think about it.
Yeah true! I didn’t mean that people shouldn’t do their very best to survive and they should be prepared. I was just being optimistic I guess 🙂
Interesting point, I definitely felt like BJJ “stretched” my brain. In a good way haha!
Wow that’s pretty cool.
Shelter and clean water are big priorities. You could practice making survival shelters so you know what works and what doesn’t. There’s a book called the SAS Survival Manual or something like that with a lot of good advice.
My understanding is that nuclear war is significantly less of a “civilization-ending” event than people think. The explosions aren’t actually that big, relatively speaking, and nuclear winter is apparently a myth.
Wow that’s pretty cool. Libraries have a lot more going on than books I guess.