That could be a possibility. It’s a pervasive virus. And with the majority of people sheltering in place, and trying to sterilize everything, they have weakened their immune system, so may contract it. Plus, there are folks that have great immune systems that have had very mild symptoms. There are so many variables. Maybe a person never had symptoms, but has the virus residing in their nose. They are inadvertently carrying the virus to others. Many, many scenarios. But bottom line, we must reopen every business we can and get people back to work, or MaDAM Pelosi will be handing out all that money that doesn’t belong to her and send the already skyrocketing national debt into outer space!
My question exactly, Recon Ty. Oh, and BTW, I thought Denier would be pronounced “Den-i-YAIR” and have a french background. Nope. It is “Dee-NIE-ER” and it is what it says. So a ‘Science Denier’ is one who denies the science behind a stance–like global warming, for instance. How’s that for oddball!
EVERYthing is relevant since You Tube pulled the video! Are we a Nanny State that we need someone looking out for us? If that’s the case, why is porn so prevalent? Nanny State can’t fix that one? I, for one, do not need some “Entity” that thinks it knows better than I do what I want to read, listen to, enjoy or debate. Nor do I want one. How about you?
Doctors of Osteopathy study another year, as they approach healing in a tri-fold way: Mind, Body, Spirit;; a more holistic approach. Allopathic doctors, MDs, treat people’s symptoms with drugs, radiation and surgery.
Victor, you might very well have hit the nail on the head. Never saw such hysteria over what is, essentially, a very nasty bug but nowhere near as deadly as smallpox, hanta virus, ebola, Marberg, Dengue and the hemorrhagic fever from both Ebola and Dengue. Sheltering in place weakens your immune system. So does sterilizing everything (which you truly can’t do anyway, thank goodness) kills off the weaker bacteria and viruses, leaving the Bold, Truly Nasty sucker alone in the field to infect you! Let’s not be so quick to panic. Rest easy knowing you’ve cleaned enough and let’s use some common sense. And let’s get back to work!
Don’t be too sure, Mar Tam and Pavel. There is a lot of good common sense in his video. As a healthcare professional myself for over 25 years, I have gone through many seasonal influenza sagas with higher death rates, unfortunately. Our country has never shut down for the influenza virus. Why for this one? Is it because it is more virulent? Not yet. And with all the physicians being “encouraged” by their administrations to use Covid-19 as a co-morbidity, even when the physician KNOWS the cause of death was because the guy was coughing his lungs out because of his 40 year cigarette habit, how can we KNOW these are going to be accurate numbers? Sounds like some entity wants Covid to be much more deadly than it most probably is…Some entity that doesn’t like to lose. Take everything you read and hear with a grain of salt and do your own research. You will feel much more comfortable about all this mess.