I agree with that to a certain point. I think private companies should be able to do what they want with their private company… but what do we do when all of our platforms take down what they deem is against their “community guidelines”. When does it go to far? Would you be upset if your cell phone company stopped letting you make calls because you politically disagreed with them and you might say something they disagree with? Well… they are a private company, guess thats okay! At some point, when you are THE #1 platform for speech, you shouldn’t, in my opinion, decide who gets to speak. I think that is very dangerous… but… hopefully this just opens the door for new companies to compete with them. It may take time but I think it will happen. If not? Well then, I guess we will all become a miming puppet of whatever google or facebook wants us to say. No big deal unless you disagree with them.
Agreed 100%. A lot of people are saying that 12% would change because people tested are more likely to have covid but we really don’t know that. People are scared to come get tested and even besides that we all know that Many of the cases show no symptoms at all. So with half the cases not even showing symptoms… the percentage could even be Higher for all we know. I think it all goes back to the fact that Dr. Ericksons overarching idea was that because there is so much unknown about this virus, people are scared. But it doesn’t appear to be statistically significant difference in death than the flu. Almost 17,000 have died in NY from this. over 40,000 a year typically die from Heart Disease in NY alone. Are we shutting down McDonalds and forcing people onto treadmills? No.