Nice myth busts. Having worked in an ER for over 16 years I balk at the advice to remove an object that has impaled you. DON’T!!! The thing about impaled objects is that they are now something that we say “tamponade” massive bleeding. The way that you add pressure to a wound to prevent massive bleeding. Basically, there is now a hole that is plugged up by that object (we call foreign body or FB for short). Think about a wrecking ball that has smashed into a dam and made a hole but is stuck in the hole, you remove that large wrecking ball and the hole allows lots of water to flow out. If you’re lucky to miss an artery or vital organ or intestine or any number of other places that shouldn’t have been punctured, you’ll still want to make sure a medical provider sees the injury. Paramedics on scene leave FBs in, if the object is large and unwieldy, will cut the object around the person leaving what’s left where it is in the body (let’s say fence or whatever) and transport that way. That goes for the eye that’s been impaled, but that’s another lesson. Also wanted to add that I discredit any site that tells a prepper or survivalist to know their blood type. I laugh and say “ok yup they have NO idea what they’re talking about”. Even if you managed to somehow acquire blood you think you are matched with, do yourself a favor – forget this. I shouldn’t even have to go into why this is a stupid idea. Anyone who has given a blood transfusion to a patient, even in a massive transfusion trauma will explain why in detail.