My dog is 18 years old, weighs 8.5kg / 18 lbs, and some days can't even walk round the block. Bugging out will mean she rides in my bicycle basket (which she loves) or I carry her. In almost every scenario, we will be sheltering in place in our big German city. But this is the bug out bag I created to get us out quickly (e.g. fire in our apartment building, a military invasion). The concept is to put a bug out rucksack inside a dog carrying rucksack, which is kept by the front door, so in a house fire, I can grab the dog rucksack and the dog and go. Once we're outside, I can put the dog in the dog rucksack and wear the bug out rucksack on my chest, going on foot if necessary. But in most scenarios, I would hopefully have time to transfer some stuff to saddlebags and onto my bicycle and travel that way, since I am not very strong. To keep things lightweight, I am trying to double up on function where possible. So my skirts are also my blankets, my poncho is also my shelter, my lip balm and sanitary towels are also part of my fire starter kit, and I chose UTI and food poisoning meds that both my dog and I could use. I put this bag together using guidance from the German federal government, plus tips from this website, so I hope the bag gives other people ideas for keeping their pets safe. This is not an optimal kit, but it is a work in progress started mostly with stuff I already had lying around (the rucksacks and down skirts were bought secondhand). Each 'item' listed below is packed in its own ziploc bag so I can better keep track of what I have. My goals for my dog and I are: • Stay dry and warm, especially when sleeping • Stay hydrated • Stay fed • Avoid sunburn (I use retinol so SPF50 is a must!) • Stay informed • Stay reasonably clean • Stay healthy (no bladder infection, headaches, period pains, upset stomach) • Stay able to carry my dog (i.e. only pack what I can carry in addition to my dog)