I would recommend using “pip2 install –user …”, because it’s much more likely to work – it will install into per-user global site-packages, so they won’t need root. And on macOS and Linux, it won’t accidentally step over anything in /usr that’s handled by the package manager. Also, for Debian, Ubuntu, and Mint, you do “apt install python-pip” (note: no 2!). However, this only works for older versions that haven’t started to drop Python 2 packages yet due to lack of upstream support; e.g. it won’t work for Ubuntu 20.04. For those, you need to manually install pip like so: curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py –output get-pip.py python2 get-pip.py This will also install it per-user (i.e. the “pip” binary will be in ~/.local/bin, or you can use “python -m pip”). To install globally, run “python2 get-pip.py” as root.
Looking at the comments since yesterday, and… wow. I’m surprised nobody chimed in to tell us how it’s all a Monsanto conspiracy just yet.
Thank you.
I’m no expert, but personally, I find MB-6 to be quite a bit easier to use than Cammenga to take a bearing – you just let the mirror drop all the way out, and aim with the sights while watching the reflection of the needle. Maybe it’s less precise, but it feels precise enough for e.g. navigation with topo maps and pace beads. Either one is still perfectly usable as a regular compass, so it’s not really a tradeoff, other than paying the price for the extra features. For Cammenga with its all-metal construction, you’re also trading weight for ruggedness, I suppose.
Suunto MB-6 deserves a mention, since it combines the mirror with the ability to take fairly precise bearings, much like a lensatic.